F2F/Sydney 2016/Agenda
< F2F | Sydney 2016
Thursday AM
- Path stroking conformance (Nikos)
- 'arcs' line join fallback (http://tavmjong.free.fr/SVG/LINEJOIN_STUDY/#arcs) (Tav)
- Animation of SVG paths with Web Animations (Tav)
- Initial value of d property (Eric Willigers)
- Making good use of github (Nikos)
- Where do we want discussions to take place?
- Linking github issues to spec issues.
- Issues remaining in SVG 2 chapters (Nikos)
Friday AM
- Resolving on presentation attribute strategy (Cameron)
- Status update (all)
- SVG Integration Module review (Bogdan)
- Issue 8 - https://jsfiddle.net/pscu8wLq/
- References to external resources interop - anything that doesn't go through layout works in Edge (e.g. <pattern>, <marker>, <use>), <filter> doesn't. Chrome/Firefox should support all
- CORS interop - Chrome supports, Edge - same domain, Firefox - no restriction
- 1 level of depth - Chrome/Edge support, Firefox - no restriction
- error handling on elements consuming external resources
- How about adding a non-normative SVG 2 chapter about contents generation method for [https://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/WG/wiki/Proposals
- SVG Strokes / dashcorner demo (ed)/Better_CTM_Computation#Improving_Significant_Figures_by_Transformation_and_Tiling improving precision]? (Stakagi)
- 2016 F2F planning (Nikos)
- List of SVG 2 features that are ready for implementation? (Nikos)
- SVGZoomEvent (https://github.com/w3c/svgwg/issues/21) (Nikos)
Spec editing
- Full glyph cell term (https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-svg/2016Jan/0011.html) (Nikos)
- TAG security questionnaire (https://www.w3.org/TR/security-privacy-questionnaire/) (Nikos)