Errata in SVG 1.1 Second Edition

From SVG

Errata in SVG 1.1 Second Edition

The following errata from have now been folded into SVG 1.1 Second Edition.

The current draft of SVG 1.1 Second Edition is available for review, is believed complete. For each of the testable errata items, the table links to tests for the test suite. To publish 1.1 SE, an implementation report needs to show results for these tests (similar to CR exit criteria).

Also see the Test_Suite_1.1F2 page which tracks ongoing work on the testsuite in general.


DONEClarify Z and z for pathsN/A
DONEClarification of lineto commands in the path syntaxpaths-data-16-t.svgCMED
DONEStroking subpaths of zero lengthpainting-stroke-10-t.svgCMCL
DONEPropagation of rotate in texttext-tspan-02-b.svgAGCL
DONEAdd svg to list of animatable elementsN/A
DONEAdd definition of access of default uninitialized values
DONEClarification of outermost SVG elementN/A
DONEClarify getSVGDocument behaviorN/A
DONETypo in the definition of the 'u2' attributeN/A
DONEReturn value for SVGAnimationElement.getStartTime() is unclearanimate-dom-01-f.svgCMDAS


DONEClarify the effect of "to animations" and "by animations" for transforms -- but note that a previous version of this erratum needs to be rolled back first before this one can be applied.animate-elem-81-t.svg (existing)----
DONEClarify List syntaxanimate-elem-88-t.svgCM
DONEReferences to characters in SVGTextContentElement should be UTF-16 code unitstext-dom-02-f.svgCMCL
N/ApatternContentUnits missing in 1.1 modulesN/A
DONEElementTimeControl interfaceanimate-dom-02-f.svgCMDAS
N/AIncorrect entries in the attribute indexN/A
N/AMismatch between Font.class in the spec and in the DTDN/A
N/ALink to ISO8601 reference in the Animation chapter is incorrectN/A
DONELink to incorrectN/A
DONETimeEvent interfaceN/A
DONEA number of interfaces' methods are missing DOMExceptionscan't test since can't get read only DOM node
DONEforeignObject should be allowed to be placed as a child of any container elementcan't test, this is just a dtd fix
N/ACorrection to Feature Sets titleN/A
DONESVGSVGElement::useCurrentView should be read onlyN/A
Other tests
Test that stroke-dasharray accepts whitespace separated valuespainting-stroke-09-t.svgCMCL
Test that inapplicable presentation attributes affect the computed stylestyling-pres-02-f.svgCMCL
Test that baseVal and animVal are distinct objectstypes-dom-02-f.svgCMCL
Test kernelUnitLength="" on <feSpecularLighting>
Test kernelUnitLengthX and kernelUnitLengthY on SVGFESpecularLightingElement


DONEDTD extensibility example incorrectN/A
DONERemove XPointer syntaxN/A
already DONEClarify if xlink:href on <script> elements is animatable or notscript-elem-01-b.svgCMCL
DONESVGSVGElement::currentScale should not throw an exceptionN/A
DONEFloat Value UnitsN/A
N/ATypographical Errors in Coordinate Systems Examples -- but note that the geographic coordinate example has changed, since I backported the updated one from 1.2T; you'll need to check to make sure the current example still has the problem.N/A
DONEClarification of contentScriptType behaviornot possible without a CDF document
DONEClarify contentStyleType behaviorstyling-elem-01-b.svgCMCL
DONEClarify that assigning to valueAsString changes unitType and add exceptions for some casestypes-dom-05-b.svgCMCL
DONEClarify xml:space on 'text' element childrentext-ws-03-t.svgCMCL
Other tests
Test rendering order of glyph children and glyph d attrtext-tref-02-b.svgCLED
Test 'tref' element uses flattened textContenttext-tref-03-b.svgCLED


DONECapturing pointer-events with a zero opacity maskinteract-pointer-01-t.svgCMDAS
NOT NEEDEDUnclear how clip-path affects bounding boxesN/A
DONEClarify clipPath and Pointer-Eventsmasking-path-09-b.svgCMDAS
DONEPointer-events and fallback valuesinteract-pointer-03-t.svgCMDAS
DONEInterface SVGRect has incorrect attribute descriptionsN/A
DONESVGLocatable.getScreenCTM() vs clientX/Y, screenX/YN/A
DONEboolean useCurrentViewN/A
DONERemove exception on unsuspendRedrawstruct-dom-08-f.svgCMDAS
DONESVGTextContentElement clarificationstext-dom-03-f.svgCMDAS
DONEClarify value spacing of keySpline syntaxanimate-elem-89-t.svgCLCM


DONESVGFEConvolveMatrix IDL missing 'in' attributefilters-conv-03-f.svgEDCM
DONEfeDistantLight azimuth attribute direction filters-light-02-f.svgEDCM
DONE(wording tweaked a bit, please review): Undefined behavior of missing feFuncRGBA in feComponentTransferfilters-color-02-b.svgEDCM
DONEExample feColorMatrix source file correctionN/A
DONEfeDiffuseLighting calculation does not define I(x,y)N/A
DONEClarify feTurbulence seed value typefilters-turb-02-f.svgEDCM
DONEClarify color-interpolation in feDisplacementMap
DONEClarify limitingConeAngle in feSpotLightfilters-light-04-f.svgEDCL
DONEClarify premultiplied values for feDisplacementMap
DONEClarify if 'order' on 'feConvolveMatrix' is required or notfilters-conv-02-f.svgEDCM
DONESVGStringList string removaltypes-dom-06-f.svgEDCM
Other tests
filters-light-03-f.svg EDCL
Test that xlink:href on feImage is animatablefilters-image-02-b.svgEDCM
Test that 'clipPath' elements can be used together and that the clipping paths are intersected.masking-path-07-b.svgEDCM
Test the construction and application of clipping paths.masking-path-08-b.svgEDCM
Test SVGTransformList.consolidatecoords-dom-04-f.svgEDCL
Test reading unspecified values via SVG DOM (ACTION-2676)svgdom-over-01-f.svgED??


DONEMandate gzip compressionconform-viewers-01-t.svgzLHCL
DONEClarify getBBox behaviortypes-dom-03-b.svgCMED
DONERendering of patterns with overflow="visible" is undefinedN/A
DONEMention live valuescoords-dom-01-f.svgEDCM
REJECTED(see ACTION-2600) Container Element rewordingN/A
DONESVGLoad does not bubbleinteract-events-02-b.svgCMED
DONEClarify scientific notation textN/A
DONELiveness of getIntersectionList and getEnclosureListstruct-dom-11-f.svgCMED
DONEgetCurrentTime()/setCurrentTime() undefined before document timeline beginstruct-dom-09-b.svgCMCL
DONEClarify liveness of setMatrix and createSVGTransformFromMatrix methodscoords-dom-03-f.svgCMED