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Talk:Accessibility Activity
Tooltip Previous Discussions
NOTE: The below discussions are a snapshot of my proposal for UAs handling tooltips in SVG. Since then, I have been convinced by Jonathan that svg:use elements should be treated differently as their nature allow reuse by different authors in different contexts where the using author might not want to straddled with title elements of the original author.
These are just some of my assumptions, they are not necessarily correct. We need to run these by the SVG WG and by browser vendors.
- innermost element being hovered should have its tooltip displayed
- (jonathan) in my view this seems wrong, though may be spec. there is no requirement to title a group, which allows this behaviour, but if a group is titled there is no way to display the group title, using the given assumption. nb providing a transparent cover is ghastly, and doesn't answer the issue.
- (jeff) I think this assumption is correct, but I agree with you and Olaf that, ideally, the group's title should also somehow be made available to the viewer in a hierarchical fashion - I just haven't updated the test ideas below for it. At the very least I think we can agree that the innermost element that is being hovered should at least have its title available (otherwise, what is the point in titling that element if it cannot be displayed).
'the point' as you put it is, someone creates a group of symbols, each with a title. then someone else, or the author decides to generalise the group as a single icon as per my example of fruit http://www.openicon.org/icon-ark/mulberry/fruit.svgz . However there's now no useful way to label the title of the new group as 'fruit'. whereas as clearly stated previously, if the author had wanted the individual titles, they had no need to provide a group title.
Jeff please look at the example before commenting further, this should have clarified your misconceptions as to my statement, and ensured that your response was agreement. Unless you don't understand the issue. Otherwise please could you remove your comments?"
This appears to be a really serious error, as our users have great difficulty generalising, and would benefit much when this errata is adopted.
Please do not imply that i suggested a heirarchy of titles, that is most likely a level of complexity which is just not needed. those items the author wishes to include in the group apple are included, those left out such as stem have their own title. had the author wished to make the heirarchy apparent they can already include similar in title.
in my view this is a clear case of a scientistic-reductionist mindset gone native. taking to WG
- (jeff) So something like the following SVG:
<svg> <title>Fruit Basket</title> <g> <title>Fruits</title> <g> <title>Apple</title> <circle /> <path> <title>Stem</title> </path> </g> <g> <title>Orange</title> ... </g> </g> <path> <title>Basket</title> </path> </svg>
- when the apple body (the circle) is hovered, you should see something like "Fruits > Apple". When the stem of the apple is hovered, you should see something like "Fruits > Apple > Stem". In other words, starting at the innermost element being hovered, display the titles in a hierarchical fashion walking up the tree. However, the <svg>'s title need not be displayed as a tooltip, this would be displayed elsewhere as it covers the entire document. What do you think? Jeff schiller 06:37, 3 July 2008 (EDT)