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Meeting 2008-06
SVG Interest Group
2008-06 Meeting Agenda
- Co-Chairs: Doug Schepers, Jeff Schiller
Roll Call and Introductions
- briefly introduce yourself, let us know your particular areas of interest surrounding SVG
Purpose, Framing
- discuss purpose of Interest Groups within W3C
- discuss intentions of SVG IG (including primary activities and more general activities such as "fostering SVG community growth")
- briefly introduce some of the sub-activities that we will start working on in the short term
Accessibility Activity
- there is an opportunity to publicize and increase the accessibility of SVG
- Tasks:
- determine task force (Jonathan Chetwynd, Jeff Schiller)
- determine best practices and technical challenges for:
- making SVG accessible for those with physical and mental disabilities
- authoring SVG resources that are accessible by people speaking different languages
- search engine accessibility of SVG content on the web ('regular' search AND image search)
- publish W3C note covering overall accessibility challenges and opportunities for SVG
- recommend best practices for authors, services
- offer improvement suggestions to the SVG WG for consideration in future recommendations
- engage with toolmakers to drive enhancements (for example, submit ideas and patches to Inkscape)
Designer Feedback Activity
- We need an effective way to gather feedback from designers about features in SVG
- feedback should be at a higher level:
- what "cool effect" or feature do they want to see in the specification?
- What kind of filter effects, gradients, capabilities do they want?
- Tasks:
- gather task force, designers and activity lead (Doug?)
- Schedule meetings to frame the topic, have discussions, and coalesce ideas
Internationalization and Localization Task Forces
- SVG engineers and companies should have a way to communicate in their own language and culture
- use cases and markets vary from country to country, so locals need to be able to help drive spec features
- dedicated mailing list for each key area
- local organizers
- find organizer in Japan, identify key interests
SVG Community Site
- many websites are interested in being a part of the SVG community
- we would like to contribute to developing the premier SVG community site
- Tasks:
- need to establish people interested in contributing to this activity, including the lead
- need to establish what the SVG community site needs (i.e. wiki, blog, links, forums)
- need to establish what software the site will use (i.e. drupal?)
- need to establish what kind of hosting and ownership the site will have
SVG Torture Tests
- Acid tests have proven that they are very effective ways of moving interoperability and getting browser developer attention to standards lagging on the web
- suggestion for a series of tests: visually simple, packed with edge cases and features
- test subset of features: SVGT 1.1, Text, SMIL, SVGB 1.1, SVGF 1.1 (DOM+Filters), etc
- need to get specific tests from the community
- should also test from a CDF/WICD perspective (CDR, etc)
Future Activities
- SVG Security:
- how to properly sanitize SVG? best practices and recommendations
- Layout use cases/reqts