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Japanese SVG Task Force
The Japanese SVG Task Force (JSTF) is a subset of the SVG IG, whose goal it is to discuss issues about market interest, use cases, and other matters specific to Japan, and where the communication is conducted in Japanese. The JSTF is also known as the "SVG IG Japanese Chapter" (登録).
The goal of the Japanese SVG Task Force is to discuss issues specific to Japan, regarding market interest, use cases, government regulation (JIS), evangelism, and other matters.
The JSTF will produce a periodic document, in English, reporting their progress to the SVG IG and the SVG WG, no less than once per year.
Like the rest of the SVG IG, the JSTF may also produce requirements documents, and proposals for SVG WG Recommendation-track deliverables.
The JSTF communicates in Japanese on both their mailing list and in face-to-face meetings.
Home Page
The Japanese-language home page of this group contains more up-to-date information.
Mailing List
The JSTF communicates chiefly through their dedicated mailing list, public-svg-ig-jp (archive).
The JSTF will hold face-to-face meetings every two months, and record the minutes to the mailing list.