Targeted at Web developers that want to promote and use advanced Web technologies, W3C China Office and had invited to the symposion “W3C day – WebRebuild 2010”. More than 250 participants enjoyed a day filled with various topics related to Website development. The symposion was well organized and offered the audience many ways of participation and some entertainment. Participants could send their comments on the talks diretly to a second screen using a micro blogging service, provided by one of the biggest local online protal providers. A lottery amongst the microbloggers encouraged comments and offered entertainment.
The programm started with a talk by W3C Offices Coordinator Klaus Birkenbihl about “Data on the Web”. It showed how Web developers can use RDFa to open the data withing their Web pages and gave examples how this data is used by Social Networks and Search Engines. The event covered topics related to good Web design, Web development in groups, and HTML5 and CSS3. Speakers were Jiang Dingyu (D-Link Taiwan), Cheah ZiBin from (Opera), Junhao Fan (Tencent), Zhang Ke-Jun (DouBan) anf JingBiao Liang (Tencent).
Anqi (Angel) Li representing the W3C China Office said: “The W3C China Office is happy to have the support of WebReBuild and the W3C China Community to promote advanced Web technologies and standards within China. This helps a lot to free the Chinese Web from being locked-in by outdated browsers.”