This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
When looking at an HTML 5 document, the validator reports the coords attribute in the area element <pre> <area shape="rect" coords="331,202,445,246" [...] </pre> as valid, and <pre> <area shape="rect" coords="331, 202, 445, 246" [...] </pre> as invalid and reports the following error: <pre>Bad value 331, 202, 445, 246 for attribute coords on element area: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw instead.</pre> That is, "expected a minus sign or a digit but saw the space character instead."
Do you have an URL to a reproducer document? Anyway, assigning to Henri as I believe this is something that comes directly from and I'm not familiar enough yet with HTML5 to tell if this is a bug or not offhand.
Sorry, no document. But I would gladly make you one if this helps. Anyway, it's a pretty straightforward issue and the bug summary really sums it up: Space characters in the coords attribute value is considered an error.
The validator is correct per spec: