This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
The current XQuery 1.1 Working Draft discusses the static type inferred for external variables: If a variable declaration includes a type, that type is added to the static context as the type of the variable. If a variable declaration includes a VarValue or a VarDefaultValue but not an explicit type, the type of the variable is inferred from static analysis of the expression and is added to the static context. Doesn't this belong in the Formal Semantics? We do need to know what the required type of an external variable is. At the last Face to Face, we decided the following: - Static type has no dependency on external - In a dynamic implementation, the static type is either (1) the declared type, or (2) item()* - The original paragraph cited in 2008Oct/0002.html is only true when there is no external variable. - Editorially, bringing the two descriptions of the types of external variables closer together, and giving them similar structure, would be helpful. - Wording: 'the variable contains external' - be clear that this is syntactic productions.
Most of this is covered by Michael Kay's proposal (member only):
We believe this bug can be resolved by adopting the proposal posted at
I'm re-opening this bug because it was accidentally marked RESOLVED/FIXED before the WG had formally endorsed the solution. Apologies for the confusion!
Closing, per WG decision today. In the current internal WD.