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Bug 6267 - space-start
Summary: space-start
Alias: None
Product: XSLFO
Classification: Unclassified
Component: XSL-FO (show other bugs)
Version: 1.1
Hardware: PC Linux
: P2 normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Tony Graham
QA Contact: Mailing list for comments on XSL (XSl-FO)
Depends on:
Reported: 2008-12-04 14:19 UTC by Tony Graham
Modified: 2010-03-18 15:24 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:

Background separation alternatives. (16.96 KB, image/png)
2008-12-04 14:20 UTC, Tony Graham
Table grid boundary line. (19.27 KB, image/png)
2008-12-04 14:20 UTC, Tony Graham

Description Tony Graham 2008-12-04 14:19:19 UTC
The XSL-FO 1.1 Recommendation gives some details about how the 
border-separation property for tables should be handled, but it is not 
clear in my opinion where the half of it associated to the table should 

As a picture is still the simplest way to illustrate the problem, please 
have a look at the following example and the attached picture (see below 
for the formulas):
    <fo:root xmlns:fo="">
        <fo:simple-page-master master-name="page"
          page-height="10cm" page-width="15cm" margin="1cm">
          <fo:region-body background-color="#ffc000"/>
      <fo:page-sequence master-reference="page" font-size="12pt">
        <fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body">
          <fo:table width="100%" table-layout="fixed"
            border-separation="8pt" border="4pt solid black">
            <fo:table-column number-columns-repeated="2"
                <fo:table-cell border="4pt solid black">
                  <fo:block>Cell 1</fo:block>
                <fo:table-cell border="4pt solid black">
                  <fo:block>Cell 2</fo:block>

So, in the attached picture, which version is correct?

First, in section 4.4.1, Stacked Block-areas, the graphic shows 
a space-start trait but it is explained nowhere how its value should be 
computed. From the graphic we can infer the following formula:
    space-start = start-indent &#8722; border-start &#8722; padding-start
Still, it is not clear whether we are referring to traits or properties 
for border and padding. If Im correct the padding-start property always  
directly maps to the padding-start trait. But this may not be the case 
for border-start, see below. So, lets assume the following:

    (1) space-start(trait) = start-indent &#8722; border-start(trait) &#8722; padding-start

(Lets note that Section 4.2.2 does not define any trait called 
start-indent, so this is always the property which will be used.)

Then Section 4.2.3, Geometric Definitions, states that, for 
block-level areas, the allocation-rectangle extends [...] outside the 
content-rectangle in the inline-progression-direction by an amount equal 
to the end-indent, and in the opposite direction by an amount equal to 
the start-indent.

For simplicity, lets assume that the writing direction never changes. 
Given a block-area B, lets call xa the offset of the start-edge of its 
allocation rectangle from the start-edge of the content-rectangle of its 
closest ancestor reference-area. Likewise, lets call xc the offset of 
the start-edge of its content-rectangle.

Section 4.2.3 states that:
    (2) xa = xc &#8722; start-indent

Then Section 4.4.1 states that:
        xa = start-indent + start-intrusion-adjustment
             &#8722; border-start &#8722; padding-start &#8722; space-start
Since this section is all about traits, lets assume we have the 
    (3) xa = start-indent + start-intrusion-adjustment
             &#8722; border-start(trait) &#8722; padding-start 
             &#8722; space-start

But since space-start can be inferred from start-indent thanks to 
equation (2), we can simplify (3) into the following:
        xa = start-indent + start-intrusion-adjustment
             &#8722; border-start(trait) &#8722; padding-start 
             &#8722; (start-indent &#8722; border-start(trait) &#8722; padding-start)
which will simplify into the following:
        xa = start-intrusion-adjustment
        xc = start-intrusion-adjustment + start-indent
which means that if start-indent = 0, then the start-edge of Bs 
content-rectangle will coincide with the start-edge of the 
content-rectangle of the closest ancestor reference-area.

Buth then, why having kept the formula in its original, unsimplified 

Now about tables. Section 6.7.3, fo:table says that in the separate 
border model the border of the table is composed of half the value of 
the border-separation property plus the border as specified by the 
property. Which would mean that the border-start(trait) would, in this 
particular case, be different from the border-start(property):
    border-start(trait) = border-start(property) + border-separation.inline-progression-dimension / 2

Thats why it seems important to me to know whether we are speaking of 
traits or properties in the formulas above. If both formulas use the 
same value (trait or property), then we have the result #1 on the 
attached picture. If formula (1) uses the trait and formula (3) uses the 
property, then the simplification will give:
    xa = start-indent + start-intrusion-adjustment
         &#8722; border-start(property) &#8722; padding-start 
         &#8722; (start-indent &#8722; border-start(trait) &#8722; padding-start)
       = start-intrusion-adjustment + border-separation.i-p-d / 2
Leading to result #2 in the attached picture, which is a sensible 

And if formula (1) uses the property and formula (3) the trait, we get 
result #3 which is probably less likely to be expected.

Finally, Section 6.7.3, fo:table and Section 6.7.10, fo:table-cell 
mention the table grid boundary line, but it is unclear where this 
line should actually lie, especially with respect to the table padding. 
There seems to be an inconsistency since Section 6.7.3 states that the 
first [border component], which is placed with the inside edge 
coincident with the outermost table grid boundary line, has the width of 
half the value for the border-separation property. And Section 6.7.10 
states that the first [border component], which is placed with the 
outside edge coincident with the table grid boundary line, has the width 
of half the value for the border-separation trait. Then where shall the 
padding be placed? The only consistent way to resolve this issue in my 
opinion is to make the padding coincide with the table outermost grid 
boundary line. See the attached picture as an illustration (where 
case #1 from above has been selected). It might be helpful to add an 
indication with this respect in the Recommendation.
Comment 1 Tony Graham 2008-12-04 14:20:13 UTC
Created attachment 608 [details]
Background separation alternatives.
Comment 2 Tony Graham 2008-12-04 14:20:49 UTC
Created attachment 609 [details]
Table grid boundary line.
Comment 3 Tony Graham 2008-12-18 11:58:11 UTC
The second part of the original message, concerning tables, is now Bug #6319.

The summary of this message was "Tables, space-start and border-separation" and is now "space-start".

The proposed resolution for space-start is:

In the definition of properly stacked, in 4.4.1, replace the second and 
third bullet points of condition 1 with:

* the start edge of its allocation-rectangle is parallel to the 
start-edge of the content-rectangle of R (where R is the closest 
ancestor reference-area of B), and offset from it inward by a distance 
equal to the block-area's start-indent plus its 
start-intrusion-adjustment (as defined below), minus its border-start, 
padding-start, and start-edge margin values, and

* the end-edge of its allocation-rectangle is parallel to the end-edge 
of the content-rectangle of R, and offset from it inward by a distance 
equal to the block-area's end-indent plus its end-intrusion-adjustment 
(as defined below) minus its border-end, padding-end, and end-edge 
margin values.

By "start-edge margin" or "end-edge margin" value, we mean the value of 
margin-left, margin-right, margin-top or margin-bottom, depending on 
which corresponds to the start-edge or end-edge directions.

In the subsequent diagrams in 4.4.1, remove the references to 
"Space-start" and "Space-end".

In section 4.2.3, remove the word "Spaces" from the green background of 
the first two diagrams.

In accordance with the instructions at, please review the proposed resolution carefully, and let the Working Group know whether it's acceptable or not.
Comment 4 Tony Graham 2009-01-13 12:44:01 UTC
Adding original poster as CC.  Response from original poster required to resolve bug report.
Comment 5 Vincent Hennebert 2009-01-15 11:29:24 UTC
(In reply to comment #3)
> The second part of the original message, concerning tables, is now Bug #6319.
> The summary of this message was "Tables, space-start and border-separation" and
> is now "space-start".
> The proposed resolution for space-start is:
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> In the definition of properly stacked, in 4.4.1, replace the second and 
> third bullet points of condition 1 with:
> ================
> * the start edge of its allocation-rectangle is parallel to the 
> start-edge of the content-rectangle of R (where R is the closest 
> ancestor reference-area of B), and offset from it inward by a distance 
> equal to the block-area's start-indent plus its 
> start-intrusion-adjustment (as defined below), minus its border-start, 
> padding-start, and start-edge margin values, and
> * the end-edge of its allocation-rectangle is parallel to the end-edge 
> of the content-rectangle of R, and offset from it inward by a distance 
> equal to the block-area's end-indent plus its end-intrusion-adjustment 
> (as defined below) minus its border-end, padding-end, and end-edge 
> margin values.
> By "start-edge margin" or "end-edge margin" value, we mean the value of 
> margin-left, margin-right, margin-top or margin-bottom, depending on 
> which corresponds to the start-edge or end-edge directions.
> ================

This does not seem to solve the uncertainty I'm afraid. The border-start is already taken into account in the computation of the offset (... start-indent + start-intrusion-adjustment, minus border-start...). Would that mean that the border should now be counted twice? This is very unlikely to match users expectations I think.

The following re-writing of the second bullet point seems to be enough actually:
the start edge of its allocation-rectangle is parallel to the start-edge of the content-rectangle of R (where R is the closest ancestor reference-area of B), and offset from it inward by a distance equal to the block-area's start-intrusion-adjustment (as defined below)
and likewise for the second bullet.

Then formula (3) can be re-written like this:
(3a) xa = start-intrusion-adjustment
and combined with formula (2) (again in the simplified conditions where there is no change of writing direction nor reference-orientation):
    xc = start-indent + start-intrusion-adjustment

In the common case where there is no start-indent nor start-intrusion-adjustment, this means that the start-edge of the content-rectangle coincides with the start-edge of the content rectangle of its nearest ancestor reference area. Roughly speaking, the area's padding-start and border-start stick out in the margin, which is what most XSL-FO renderers already implement, and matches user expectations.

This would mean that in the case of tables with the separate border model, the first possibility in the attached image would be retained, since according to section 6.7.10 half of the border-separation is associated to the cells' borders, so lies inside the content-rectangle of the table.

> In the subsequent diagrams in 4.4.1, remove the references to 
> "Space-start" and "Space-end".
> In section 4.2.3, remove the word "Spaces" from the green background of 
> the first two diagrams.
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> In accordance with the instructions at 
>, please review the
> proposed resolution carefully, and let the Working Group know whether it's
> acceptable or not.

Vincent Hennebert
Comment 6 Liam R E Quin 2010-03-18 15:24:33 UTC
[this appears to have been closed accidentally]

Note, we contacted the cSS WG some time ago  for clarification; later versions of CSS seem to indicate that the table border is centred on the edge of the content rectangle, and is neither wholly inside nor wholly outside.

The difference between the CSS box model and the XSL-FO model may make your (vincent's) suggestion more appropriate.