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Section 2.10 Referencing Policy Expressions after example 2.16 has same issue as framework, note needs to be replaced. Description/Justification Currently Section 2.10 Referencing Policy Expressions after example 2.16 contains a note that use of Canonical XML 1.0 with xml:id is not appropriate. This is correct. It has an additional Note that Canonical XML 1.1 is intended to address this and that the XML Security Specifications Maintenance WG has been chartered to investigate. This is no longer accurate since Canonical XML 11 has been released as a Recommendation as has XML Signature (Second Edition). Target - primer Proposal Create Proposed Errata against Primer document. (Part 1) Replace the following text in Section 2.10 Referencing Policy Expressions after example 2.16: --- Note: Canonical XML 1.1 [C14N11] is intended to address the issues that occur with Canonical XML 1.0 with regards to xml:id. The W3C XML Security Specifications Maintenance WG has been chartered to address how to integrate Canonical XML 1.1 with XML Security, including XML Signature [SecSpecMaintWG] (See --- With the following text: --- Note that is is acceptable to sign a policy expression identified using xml:id with XML SIgnature (Second Edition) [XML-Signature-2ndEdition] and Canonical XML 1.1 [C14N11], as these recommendations address issues related to the use of xml:id and xml:base. --- (Part 2) Update the reference to C14N11 in Appendix C. Replace the following: --- Canonical XML 1.1, J. Boyer and G. Marcy Authors. W3C Candidate Recommendation, 21 June 2007. This is a work in progress. This version is available at The latest version of Canonical XML 1.1 is available at --- with Canonical XML 1.1, J. Boyer and G. Marcy Authors. W3C Recommendation, 2 May 2008. This version is available at The latest version of Canonical XML 1.1 is available at --- (Part 3) Add a reference to Appendix C for XML Signature (Second Edition) : ---- [XML-Signature-2ndEdition] XML Signature Syntax and Processing, D. Eastlake, J. Reagle, D. Solo, F. Hirsch, and T. Roessler Editors. W3C Recommendation, 10 June 2008. This version of the XML Signature Syntax and Processing Recommendation is The latest version of XML-Signature Syntax and Processing is available at ---- (note removal of hyphen in title in Second Edition) --- (Part 4) Remove [SecSpecMaintWG] reference. ----
created at posted errata. Errata linked from WS-Policy WG home page errata