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Bug 4068 - XML Schema does not allow for validating xml:id in policy documents
Summary: XML Schema does not allow for validating xml:id in policy documents
Alias: None
Product: WS-Policy
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Framework+Attachment (show other bugs)
Version: LC
Hardware: PC Linux
: P2 normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Felix Sasaki
QA Contact: Web Services Policy WG QA List
Depends on: 3560
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Reported: 2006-12-11 14:39 UTC by Felix Sasaki
Modified: 2006-12-13 18:00 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:


Description Felix Sasaki 2006-12-11 14:39:02 UTC
Title: XML Schema does not allow for validating xml:id in policy documents

Description: The XML Schema document for the WS-Policy LC WD is not yet updated. The reason is that the latest revision
has a problem with the schema update for the resolution for (enable the usage of
If you use xml:id at the <Policy> element in an instance with the
current schema, you will get an error. You can't use xml:id, typed as an
ID, on an element which has an ID attribute (like wsu:Id) specifically
declared for it.

Justification: Validation of a policy document against the policy schema should be possible also if xml:id is used. 

Target: XML Schema document, with a reference to its latest and dated version from the XML Schema namespace document at

Proposal: There are three solutions for the problem:
  a) publish two flavors of the schema, one with xml:id, one with wsu:Id
  b) declare two subtypes which are accessible via xsi:type:
<Policy ... xsi:type="xid-flavor" xml:id="boo" ...> versus <Policy ...
  xsi:type="wsu-flavor" wsu:id="boo" ...>
  c) delete the explicit reference to <xs:attribute ref="wsu:Id"/> .
This would make both xml:id and wsu:Id extensibility points.  
I have a high preference for c), including a note in the WD to warn
schema users (don't use other ID attributes than these two), to avoid
the confusion created by deleting the explicit reference to
<xs:attribute ref="wsu:Id"/>.
I have not opened an issue on this and not reopened 3560, since the
normative text has precedence over the schema anyway.

See the discussion thread at
Comment 1 Paul Cotton 2006-12-13 18:00:03 UTC
The WG chose option c) from:

>c) delete the explicit reference to <xs:attribute ref="wsu:Id"/> .

Additional changes to the RDDL file and WG home page were identified in this thread: 

See: tp://
