This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
A term like "FTSelection" is rendered in the semantics section as a term (display in bold) as rather than a reference to the EBNF (display as link). But many of these terms don't actually appear in the term list (there is no termdef for them). For some of them, it isn't clear whether they are in fact referring to the EBNF or to elements of the semantics schema, or something else, so it isn't clear whether linking to the EBNF is correct. We need to decide whether these should be linked as non-terminals, terms, or something else, and make the semantics section consistent with this decision.
The WG agreed that we should be consistent and that in the semantics section, many uses of apparent non-terminals are referring to semantic concepts and a distinct presentation (i.e. bold) is appropriate. Closed with no further action.