This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
Issue #10 of i18nCore comments Just a suggestion. Add: Note that translation tools can be made to recognize the difference between these two types of localization information, and present the information to translators in different ways.
Discussed at . Resolution: the working group decided to accept the proposal. Action: editors to make the change and go back to i18n core.
Implemented change as follows <p>Editing tools may offer an easy way to create this type of information. Translation tools can be made to recognize the difference between these two types of localization information, and present the information to translators in different ways.</p>
Action: Felix to integreate CLs change and to go back to i18n core
Wait: response sent. See
Closed. Commenters satisfied see:
Summary: The Working Group decided to accept the proposal and to mention translation tools in the desired section.