This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
In the type hierarchy diagrams that appear in both XDM and F+O, diagram part 3 ("Atomic types") misspells "xs:Name" as "xs:name".
The WG agreed to fix this on 2016-02-02. This diagram was originally created in Visio format. I have converted it to SVG for easier maintenance, changed xs:name to xs:Name and re-generated the png file.
The diagram is still rendering incorrectly. Perhaps the new file is not being picked up for some reason.
In the editor's draft: I am seeing the label xs:Name in the fifth box from the bottom on the left hand side of that diagram. I changed this from xs:name, which can still be seen in the current public CR. Likewise for XDM31. Did I miss something?
This seems to have been a CVS issue of some kind. For some reason my CVS update failed to pick up the corrected version 1.3, and I committed the old version on top of it as version 1.4. I've now reverted and re-committed and things seem to be OK.