This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
1. json-doc-018: The new default is 'use-first' (see Bug 28771) 2. json-doc-error-001: The spec says that "fn:json-doc($H, $M) is equivalent to the function composition fn:unparsed-text($H) => fn:parse-json($M);", so I would probably expect FOUT1170 as error. If we do not want to reuse error codes of fn:unparsed-text, some additional error codes may need to be specified. 3. fn-parse-json-943: Strictly spoken, the supplied function is not of type "function(xs:string) as xs:string". Depending on the outcome of Bug 28836, the test case may be right or wrong.
(In reply to Christian Gruen from comment #0) > 1. json-doc-018: > > The new default is 'use-first' (see Bug 28771) This test case has been fixed by Josh > > 2. json-doc-error-001: > > The spec says that "fn:json-doc($H, $M) is equivalent to the function > composition fn:unparsed-text($H) => fn:parse-json($M);", so I would probably > expect FOUT1170 as error. If we do not want to reuse error codes of > fn:unparsed-text, some additional error codes may need to be specified. I agree with you on this one. I wonder if the error code needs replacing with the one you have indicated (i.e. FOUT1170)? > > 3. fn-parse-json-943: > > Strictly spoken, the supplied function is not of type "function(xs:string) > as xs:string". Depending on the outcome of Bug 28836, the test case may be > right or wrong. Again I agree with you. The test case need modifying
The WG has discussed Christian initial comment and made the folowing decision: 1. Agree and changed in test case. 2. Agree to add the error code FOUT170 to expected outcomes 3. Pushing back on this as the bug #28836 has been resolved. Resolution: no change to the test case.
(In reply to O'Neil Delpratt from comment #2) > The WG has discussed Christian initial comment and made the folowing > decision: > > 1. > Agree and changed in test case. > > 2. > Agree to add the error code FOUT170 to expected outcomes Error code has been added to the test case > > 3. > Pushing back on this as the bug #28836 has been resolved. > Resolution: no change to the test case. I think this bug issue can be closed now if you agree
2. The error code change was mistakenly made for test case json-doc-error-002, rather than the intended json-doc-error-001. I have modified both tests to correct this, and get the fix as agreed.