This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
"an import that is blocking scripts" Isn't this exactly the kind of thing we learnt from style sheets we should never do? Making anything synchronous will just make performance worse, no? Isn't the best practice going to be to make them async and then have code handle the components and stuff coming in later? e.g. the way Google+ loads a static version of itself and then fixes itself up so that it loads "REALLY FAST" but isn't actually interactive until sometime after it's loaded? Why not make them all async?
Spoke with dglazkov. It's only legacy <script> elements that are sync. <script type=module>, <script> inside rel=import files, style sheets, and other <link>s, are not blocked.