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Bug 25151 - rel="shortcut icon", refine the requirement
Summary: rel="shortcut icon", refine the requirement
Alias: None
Product: WHATWG
Classification: Unclassified
Component: HTML (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Hardware: PC All
: P2 normal
Target Milestone: Unsorted
Assignee: Ian 'Hixie' Hickson
QA Contact: contributor
Depends on:
Reported: 2014-03-26 04:39 UTC by Michael[tm] Smith
Modified: 2014-04-03 07:23 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:


Description Michael[tm] Smith 2014-03-26 04:39:54 UTC

spec says:

— If the "shortcut" keyword is present, it must be come immediately before the icon keyword and the two keywords must be separated by only a single U+0020 SPACE character.

Consider changing it instead to just say that that if the "shortcut" keyword is specified, the next keyword must be "icon".
Comment 1 Michael[tm] Smith 2014-03-26 10:03:32 UTC
Please ignore the description and instead see Simon's suggestion at

It seems like it'd make more sense to just require that if the entire value of the rel attribute be "shortcut icon", case-insensitive. Because I think if there's anything else in the value, it's not going to work as expected in IE anyway. (Also because in the general shortcut-icon case, it doesn't make sense anyway for the the value to contain anything more.)
Comment 2 Michael[tm] Smith 2014-03-26 10:11:04 UTC
see also
Comment 3 Ian 'Hixie' Hickson 2014-03-31 22:07:03 UTC
Done, but the edit is gated behind another that I didn't realise I'd started. Should be r8556 when it gets checked in.