This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details. There is no description in the text on how this BNF is to be used. For example, are the rules for the BNF alternatives to be parsed as 'first match wins'? If so, then the following rules won't produce good results, as the may match part of a floating point number as an integer before matching the floating-point-constant rule: nonnegative-number: integer-constant | floating-point-constant number: sign? integer-constant | sign? floating-point-constant If the BNF is intended to be 'first match wins' then these rules should be written as: nonnegative-number: floating-point-constant | integer-constant number: sign? floating-point-constant | sign? integer-constant This is also true of SVG 1.1 and 1.2 Tiny.
OK, so I think part of the problem here is my use of the ambiguous terms first-match vs longest-match. What we are really seeing here is a difference between a PEG (parsing expression grammar) and a CFG (context free grammar). The BNF supplied is a valid CFG, parsers built for CFGs do backtracking, which is one way to handle the issue around the ambiguity in the "nonnegative-number" rule. The other way to handle it is to rearrange the grammar so that it is non-ambiguous. From the page """Syntactically, PEGs also look similar to context-free grammars (CFGs), but they have a different interpretation: the choice operator selects the first match in PEG, while it is ambiguous in CFG.""" This isn't a theoretical problem, I am building a parser for SVG paths and as a start I copied the supplied BNF into a parser generator, unfortunately the parser generator I am using is a PEG and not a CFG parser generator: I am apparently not the only one to get tripped up by this, as this parser also has the same problem: If you change the following line in their example: , 'A25,35 -80 1,1 450,220 Z' to: , 'A25.0,35 -80 1,1 450,220 Z' then that parser will crash on what should be a valid path, since the 25 gets parsed as an"integer-constant" and leaves .0 on the input, which fails to parse as anything in the grammar. In this case I think the best solution is to rearrange the grammar slightly as suggested, as it makes it valid for both PEG and CFG. The alternative would be to add a sentence to the spec that the BNF is a CFG and not to be used in a PEG.