This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
Should Screen locking work only in full screen mode? The specification does not mention this. However, I think Firefox and IE11 behave this way.
This should not be a requirement. Depending on the context, UA might prefer the caller to be in a fullscreens state or not care. It might very likely depend on the amount of system UI around the content. For example, in a browser, in addition of the content, you have the browser chrome and the system UI. If there is no browser chrome (think of Firefox OS apps or bookmarked to homescreen pages in Chrome Android), the UI around the content is not heavy. Being fullscreen might be required for the former situation but not for the later. The conclusion being that this should be up to the the UA to decide but I could definitely add a note about this.