This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
What happens when unlockOrientation() is called but no orientation is locked? The specification does not clearly mention this case, I assume we should return early (silently).
The specification says: """ The unlockOrientation() method, when invoked, must disable the current lock applied on the screen with lockOrientation. """ There is obviously nothing to do if the screen orientation was not locked using lockOrientation(). Please reopen if you think this is not correct.
I think just add: "Otherwise, if the screen orientation is not already in the default orientation, do nothing and return." Or something like that. Also, it should really say that unlocking returns to the default orientation. We rely on the concept of default orientation in the manifest spec, particularly to allow orientation changes. (unrelated: can you put "<dfn>default orientation</dnf>" into the spec so I can link to the definition from the manifest spec).