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Can the user agent actually know that the user requested particular focus rings (e.g. high-contrast focus ring, "make the focus rectangle thicker" on Windows)? If not, then drawCustomFocusRing will always have no effect in user agents... [[ What I don't understand is how a browser is supposed to implement the high contrast focus ring support on a real operating system that exists today. Are there other apps that do this? Are there published guidelines anywhere? Windows has a system setting for high-contrast mode. When you turn on high contrast mode, it changes the default color palette. There's no other effect on the focus ring that I know of. Windows also has settings for the focus ring width. I agree those should affect the system focus ring, but I don't think users would expect that to override a canvas author's focus ring. High contrast mode may affect the system focus ring color, it's true - but there's no reason to believe that this system focus ring would look better on a canvas when high contrast mode is on, and in fact it might look much worse. Third-party accessibility tools that draw focus rings aren't relevant here. They draw independently of applications; applications like browsers are not supposed to draw anything different. ]]
Reassigning to Canvas 2D Context Level 2 since drawSystemFocusRing and drawCustomFocusRing are at risk for CR.
I think everyone agrees this should be moved to L2.
I actually don't believe that there is agreement to delay drawCustomFocusRing to L2. I'm not suggesting at all that it shouldn't be, but not everyone is on the same line yet.
I jumped the gun on moving to L2, there are still ongoing discussions on the focus ring methods. Moving back to CR until discussions are complete.
(In reply to Rich Schwerdtfeger from comment #2) > I think everyone agrees this [drawCustomFocusRing] should be moved to L2. I concur with Rich here. (In reply to Philippe Le Hegaret from comment #3) > I actually don't believe that there is agreement to delay > drawCustomFocusRing to L2. I don't believe there's agreement not to delay it :-) > I'm not suggesting at all that it shouldn't be, > but not everyone is on the same line yet. Specifically who can you think of who'd object at this point to deferring drawCustomFocusRing, and why?
Phillipe, the browser manufacturers conveyed to me that drawCustomFocusRing should be delayed as it needed more specification. Perhaps we have bought more time to address it. drawSystemFocusRing is essential but with media queries providing the fact that there system is in high contrast mode this could wait. Let's see what the group comes up with after the modifications.
It seems that history gets lost pretty quickly. On November 6, Rich made the following statement: [[ We will be testing drawCustomFocusRing as well but it has been implemented in FF 28. Both are fully working in Chrome Canary for Windows and Mac OSX. Implementation will not be a problem. ]] On December 3, Charles sent the following statement related to *keeping drawCustomFocusRing* in the spec: [[ This proposition has not received consensus. While there was only one clear objection objection [1], it appears likely there is further dissent. However, it does have significant support. It is also the pre-existing position of the Task Force. ]] Note the "significant support" mentioned above. I didn't assert that there is support to keep it in the spec, I simply want to acknowledge in this issue that there is no consensus to remove it, due to not having everyone on the same line. I actually argue that drawCustomFocusRing isn't implemented in this email: [[ While both Google Canary and Firefox Nightly have the function drawCustomFocusRing, I did not manage to make it do anything even after activating "High-Contrast" and/or "Thicker Rectangle" on Windows 8. See also ]] and no one disputed that email so far, or told me that I didn't use the proper method to test drawCustomFocusRing. The whole point of this issue is to highlight the fact that implementation of drawCustomFocusRing will be problematic, and to bring this question to a useful conclusion, rather than assumptions on each side without ever reaching a clear conclusion. There is now a CfC on the table to remove drawCustomFocusRing: [[ The Task Force supports removing drawCustomFocusRing from the Canvas 2d Context level 1. ]] This should hopefully resolve this issue and allows us to move on. After that, we ought to be able to assert that there is agreement to remove it.
Per A11y/Canvas taskforce, moving to Canvas Context 2D level 2 for more work.
Reassigned to CR version.
drawCustomFocusRing is no longer. Closing.