This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
Should the user agent scroll the "intended path" into the user view when invoking drawSystemFocusRing or drawCustomFocusRing?
Reassigning to Canvas 2D Context Level 2 since drawSystemFocusRing and drawCustomFocusRing are at risk for CR.
This is a valid concern. I am working on text for this with Rik Cabanier. I don't think this should be cause for delay until L2.
I jumped the gun on moving to L2, there are still ongoing discussions on the focus ring methods. Moving back to CR until discussions are complete.
Based on subgroup discussion, this text is preferred: "If the focus outline is not on the screen, then scroll the focus outline into view by aligning it to the top when it receives focus."
Updated both specs (CR & L2) to "If the focus outline is not on the screen, then scroll the focus outline into view by aligning it to the top when it receives focus."