This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
NU validator screams “Error: Legacy doctype” even if the DOCTYPE is a ”obsolete permitted DOCTYPE". The HTML specification is clear on the fact that there should only be WARNING messages - and not ERROR messages - for obsolete permitted DOCTYPEs: To stamp an obsolete permitted DOCTYPE as error is the opposite of ”To help authors transition from HTML4 and XHTML”, which is the spec’s motivation for allowing these doctypes. (Duplicate bug:
Fixed already.
Thanks. Big (and fast(!) improvement. However, the new message goes like this: “Warning: Obsolete doctype. Expected <!DOCTYPE html>.“ But for the XHTML1 Transitional doctype, one gets this, much more informative message: “Error: Almost standards mode doctype. Expected <!DOCTYPE html>” Also, it seems useful to borrow spec’s exact wording - "obsolete permitted doctype". Therefore, please consider something like this: ”Warning: No-quirks mode, obsolete permitted DOCTYPE. Expected <!DOCTYPE html>” Justification: A message that just says ”obsolete doctype”, without using the word ”error”, is a bit confusing. Also, “obsolete doctype” is very uneducating - it is better to indicate *why* “obsolete” only leads to a warning, namely, because the DOCTYPE triggers no-quirks mode and because it is on the list of "obsolete permitted doctypes".
Now tracking the language of the warning message in bug 23753.