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Bug 2277 - No #x1 to #x1F in XML 1.0
Summary: No #x1 to #x1F in XML 1.0
Alias: None
Product: XPath / XQuery / XSLT
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Serialization 1.0 (show other bugs)
Version: Last Call drafts
Hardware: All All
: P2 minor
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Scott Boag
QA Contact: Mailing list for public feedback on specs from XSL and XML Query WGs
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-09-21 16:11 UTC by John Cowan
Modified: 2005-09-22 19:20 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:


Description John Cowan 2005-09-21 16:11:00 UTC
The draft should explicitly call out that the characters #x1 through #x1F (other
than whitespace) cannot be serialized at all in XML 1.0, and require XML 1.1
Comment 1 Joanne Tong 2005-09-22 19:18:58 UTC
Thank you for your comment, which I am handling editorially. 

The serialization specification is already explicit that characters #x1 through 
#x1F (other than whitespace) cannot be serialized in XML 1.0
and it states no such constraint for XML 1.1 other than for a comment node.  
The text is found in section 5.1.1:

"For example, if the version parameter has the value 1.0, and the instance of 
the data model contains a non-whitespace control character in the range #x1 to 
#x1F, a serialization error [err:SESU0006] results. If the version parameter 
has the value 1.1 and a comment node in the instance of the data model contains 
a non-whitespace control character in the range #x1 to #x1F or a control 
character other than NEL in the range #x7F to #x9F, a serialization error 
[err:SESU0006] results."

Thus, I feel that no change is necessary.  Please re-open this bug if you find 
the quoted text insufficient.  

