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A clarification is needed for errors XTDE0560 and XTDE0565. Section 6.7 contains the following note: //These rules ensure that when xsl:apply-imports or xsl:next-match is called, the context item is the same as when the current template rule was invoked, and is always a node.// I think this note should mention one additional constraint "and the current template rule is not null". Now let us consider two different dynamic errors described in this section: //[ERR XTDE0560] It is a non-recoverable dynamic error if xsl:apply-imports or xsl:next-match is evaluated when the current template rule is null. [ERR XTDE0565] It is a non-recoverable dynamic error if xsl:apply-imports or xsl:next-match is evaluated when there is no context item or when the context item is not a node.// Taking into account the note above, these two errors seem to be identical: if CTR is not null, then the context item is guaranteed to exist and be a node.
I'm inclined to agree with you: error 0565 is redundant because 0560 will always trigger first. Michael Kay (personal response)
Looking at this again, I see there is actually a situation in which there is a current template [rule] but no context node: namely, during execution of the initial template if this is selected by name when the transformation is initiated. Since apply-imports makes no sense in this case, I think this situation is illogical; the initial template should become the current template [rule] only if it is selected by virtue of an implicit apply-templates on the initial context node. Michael Kay (personal response)
The WG agreed to fix this, subject to agreeing final text proposed by the editor. The proposed fix is: (a) In 6.7, delete ERR XTDE0565. (b) In 5.4.4, in the row headed "current template" and the column headed "Initial setting", change "the initial template" to "if a named template is specified as the entry point to the transformation, then null; otherwise the initial template" Michael Kay XSLT 2.0 editor
The XSL WG agreed this proposed text so the bug will now be closed. Michael Kay for the XSL WG