This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
The two test cases "LocalNameFromQNameFunc021" and "NamespaceURIFromQNameFunc021" specify XPTY0004 as error code. For XQuery 3.0, I would expect XPTY0117 as correct result.
Interesting. F+O says it should be FONS0004. I will raise a spec bug.
I've raised spec bug 21893. Meanwhile I'm creating 3.0 versions of the tests that expect FONS0004.
I agree. If the XML document is parsed without schema information, all string values will be treated as untyped atomics, so I would suggest to also add a schema dependency to the tests (<dependency type="feature" value="schemaImport"/>).
Thanks for the new test cases. I’m marking this as resolved.