This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
I'm failing to find the requested document xgespr%C3%A4ch.xml. I have the test suite checked out onto a Windows file system. If I run the XQuery fn:put(<foo />, 'xgespr%C3%A4ch.xml') it creates a file with a name distinct from the one coming out of Mercurial. -a--- 29/11/2012 11:04 90 xgespräch.xml -a--- 06/12/2012 16:33 44 xgespräch.xml The filename differs from that used in the old test suite. I don't know whether Bugzilla will preserve the non-ASCII characters in the above...
I guess there's a lot that can go wrong here, what with differences in filesystems, transmission through Mercurial, etc. Need to think if there's a better way of doing it, e.g. having something in the environment that creates a file with given name and content.
There seems to be a fix out for Mercurial in the form of an extension that should be installed on the serverside. The particular files with non-ASCII characters will have to be submitted again to fix the issue. This is not a Windows, or Linux issue per se. It's caused by the choice of the Mercurial developers. For instance, on Windows they use the non-Unicode file API functions, which results in this mess, on Linux there are other issues. On their Encoding information page, they state that the best solution is either to have all filenames in ASCII-only, or to make sure clients and servers run on the same system (windows server, then only windows clients, linux server, then only linux clients etc). See [2]. For us, that's all bad news. It may be that the fix works, but I doubt whether W3C can, or will install it. The plugin is not supported by Mercurial and is still in beta. My suggestion is that we add a feature to create a file, of which the contents can be inlined, which becomes part of the prerequisites of a test. From what I've read, that seems to be the only sure-fire way of fixing this. [1] [2]
It seems that the repository server has been updated. I just tested adding the same file again with the original umlaut: xgespräch.xml. To test whether it was successful, I cloned a new copy from the remote server. The result is as in the screenshot (Windows, not sure if Mac is similarly successful). I'm a little surprised that it is fixed now, as the bug reports related to this have been postponed multiple times. Anyway, I reran the tests from a clean copy and they succeed, so I'm going to resolve this long-standing bug.
Created attachment 1590 [details] Windows screenshot of UTF8 name of file Screenshot added.
Unfortunately I don't think the fact that you're seeing OK results means that everyone else is. I still have a problem with these files. If I commit them from a Mac, anyone using them from Windows has problems, and vice versa.
> If I commit them from a Mac, anyone using them from Windows has > problems, and vice versa. I think they should be good now, I sent you a private mail. If the file structure works currently for you *and* for me (test it by cloning the Hg repos again) then at least it works on Mac and Windows, and with a little bit of luck on Linux as well. I don't think we should try to create a specific feature for an isolated case, as I suggested earlier. But please comment if you think we should.
After some private mail exchange with Michael Kay it appears that what works on Windows makes it totally unworkable on Mac, leaving the system in an uncommittable state (whether this is a bug in Hg/Mercurial or SmartGit is irrelevant). Proposal: fix this by 1. Removing the xgespräch.xml file .. 2. .. and related garbaged files from the repository. 3. Leave xgesprach.xml in 4. Edit the tests with an instruction that: > prior to running, you should create a copy of xgesprach.xml to xgespräch.xml 5. Add xsgespräch.xml and the garbled names to the ignore list This way, Hg will no longer be messed up with these files and only once per clone of the repository you would need to create such a copy (without it popping up as new files to be added in your commit window). I think that is a doable workaround.
Fixed as suggested in previous comment.