This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
The Internationalization WG would like HTML5 to add support for IANA time zones IDs as located at: This is per I18N-ACTION-142 which was in response to comments made in the I18N teleconference: We have previously requested that a note be added (see, to wit: Note: the zone offset is not a complete time zone specification. When working with real date and time values, consider using a separate field for time zone, perhaps using IANA time zone IDs. and @reference our WG-Note "Working with Time Zones". At this location: (section But we feel that offsets are insufficient for many time-related operations and would like support for TZIDs
Moving this to as we work to lock down HTML5.0 for CR.
Mass move to "HTML WG"
HTML5.1 Bugzilla Bug Triage: This bug constitutes a request for a new feature of HTML. Our current guidelines, rather than track such requests as bugs or issues, is to create a proposal for the desired behavior, or at least a sketch of what is wanted (much of which is probably contained in this bug), and start the discussion/proposal in the WICG ( As your idea gains interest and momentum, it may be brought back into HTML through the Intent to Migrate process (