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Bug 1721 - [FS] need a judgment to find the "best" type and quantifier
Summary: [FS] need a judgment to find the "best" type and quantifier
Alias: None
Product: XPath / XQuery / XSLT
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Formal Semantics 1.0 (show other bugs)
Version: Last Call drafts
Hardware: PC Windows 2000
: P2 normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Jerome Simeon
QA Contact: Mailing list for public feedback on specs from XSL and XML Query WGs
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-07-18 21:31 UTC by Fred Zemke
Modified: 2005-09-06 13:09 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:


Description Fred Zemke 2005-07-18 21:31:08 UTC
7.1.3 The fs:convert-operand function
The last three inferences under "Static type analysis" are inadequate
because Type1 is not deterministic.  What is wanted is that
Type1 is the minimal type such that Expr1 <: Type1.  For example,
suppose Expr1 is 1.3.  So Expr1 <: xs:decimal, but also 
Expr1 <: xs:decimal? and Expr1 <: xs:decimal+ and 
Expr1 <: xs:decimal*.  And many other types could go on the 
right hand side.  It wouldn't matter much except that 
quantifier(Type1) is required in the conclusion, and we don't know
whether the correct quantifier is 1, ?, + or *.  

The solution might be to create a judgment that Type1 is the 
best static type of Expr1.  Or the solution
might be to create a judgment that Quantifier1 is the best
quantifier of Expr1.  I notice that many other subsections of 7.1
could use such judgments.

This comment is related to two other comments:

1. #1612: We need to spell out the quantifiers in inferences
(is it "for all Type1" or "there exists Type1"?)

2. #1605: We need to define the inference engine (how does the 
engine know when it has computed enough inferences?  For 
example, "1.3 <: xs:decimal*" is correct, so can the inference
engine stop when it finds that one, and never find the tighter
inference that "1.3 <: xs:decimal"?
Comment 1 Fred Zemke 2005-07-18 21:34:40 UTC
7.2.3 "fn:abs, etc." and 7.2.10 "fn:min, etc." are some other sections 
that would benefit from a judgment to find the "best" promotion.
Comment 2 Jerome Simeon 2005-07-21 20:21:06 UTC
This is one of the few cases, where the available formalism cannot be fully
precise. Rather than change the whole approach, I would probably prefer adding
some clarification in prose next to the rule, indicating that in cases several
types can be inferred, the 'best' one is chosen. This could be done also using a
'semi formal' judgment like 'Type1 is most precise', which could be defined in

Would you be satisfied with that approach?

- Jerome
Comment 3 Fred Zemke 2005-07-21 21:10:07 UTC
I think this may be one of the places in the spec that logically depend
on the execution model of the inference engine.  See my proposed description
of the inference engine in comment #1605 as an additional remark.
If the inference engine is conceptually "firing" an inference whenever it
detects that the premises of the inference are fulfilled, in a 
non-deterministic order, then you know when you have deduced that 
"|- Expr : Type" for some specific Expr and Type, but you never know whether 
you have found the "best" Type.  In addition, you cannot have a judgment of 
the form "statEnv |- (for all Type1)[ if Expr : Type2 then Type1 <: Type2 ]"
which is conceptually what is needed for the informal judgment,
"statEnv |- Type1 is the best formal type for Expr".
The reason is that the inference engine is not powerful enough to 
prove theorems about "for all" statements, it is only powerful enough
to deduce single concrete judgments.

You are right, we don't want to start over, so perhaps an English-language
definition of a judgment "statEnv |- Type1 is the best type for Expr"
is needed.  But supplying a hand-wavy definition looks like a big
conceptual hole that I would rather see filled.

A bottom-up implementation would start at the leaves of the
parse tree and recursively decide the best static type for each node of the
tree.  It is possible to model bottom-up implementations using an
inference engine as described in my comment #1605.  The thing is, don't
bother to define "statEnv |- Expr : Type" via inferences.  Instead, define 
"statEnv |- Type is the best formal type for Expr" for each kind of 
Comment 4 Michael Dyck 2005-07-21 21:51:54 UTC
Huh? I don't get it.
Surely "Expr <: Type" is just a typo for "Expr : Type".
See Bug 1745, last comment.
Comment 5 Fred Zemke 2005-07-25 20:51:36 UTC
regarding additional comment 4, you are right, my use of <: was a mistake;
the correct symbol is : in judgments such as Expr : Type.

regarding additional comment 5, I can accept a prose description of choosing
the best type, especially if there is a judgment of the form
"Type is the best formal type for Expr".

As to the definition of "best", is it possible to define it as 
follows:  "The best formal type for a [query/expression] Expr is that 
Type1 such that, for all formal types Type2, if 'statEnv |- Expr : Type2'
is inferrable, then 'statEnv |- Type1 <: Type2' is inferrable"?
This would define the best formal type as the minimal formal type.  
However, I don't know the Formal Semantics well enough to know if there
always is a minimum formal type for an expression.

Once you have a definition of the best type, then the best quantifier
is presumably the OccurrenceIndicator of the best type.
Comment 6 Michael Dyck 2005-07-25 21:59:22 UTC
Sorry, what I mean is: I don't understand why the concept of "best" type is
needed here. I don't see how "Type1 is not deterministic". Is it possible to
infer two distinct static types for an expression?

If Expr1 is 1.3, then Expr1 : xs:decimal, but I don't think you can go from
there to Expr1 : xs:decimal? etc.
Comment 7 Fred Zemke 2005-07-26 00:47:37 UTC
If indeed every Expr has only one Type such that 
statEnv |- Expr : Type, then there is no problem. 
Perhaps we could add an informative note to this effect 
in some convenient place?

By the way, I see that the incorrect usage, Expr <: Type,
is found in some of the inferences in 7.1.3 "fs:convert-operand".  
Comment 8 Jerome Simeon 2005-07-26 15:12:04 UTC
I think I take it back and that Michael is right. We don't really need the best
type in this particular case. There are a few places where we need it (in type
promotion for instance), but not there.

We do need to fix all the Expr <: Type into Expr : Type though.

- Jerome
Comment 9 Michael Rys 2005-07-26 15:45:57 UTC
The working group decides to fix the Expr <: Type issue as outlined. The 
informative note was discussed but the working group decided not to add it 
(the response to 1605 covers this).

Please close the issue if you agree with the resolution or reopen the issue if 
you disagree.