This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
Is there any *boundary* concept between <shadow> insertionPoint and its olderShadowRoot (and its children)? In current spec, I cannot read that there is a boundary between them. But I am wondering whether it is okay or not that nodes in olderShadowRoots happen to see any nodes in youngerShadowRoot? For me, it's similar to the situation where a ShadowHost cannot see any noes in its shadowRoot in any cases. This question arises from my mental model that a concept of multiple shadow roots is like nested shadow roots, where the younger shadow root is attached to the older shadowRoot. The OlderShadowRoot acts like a shadowHost for the youngerShadowRoot.
There is definitely a boundary. Since "shadow insertion point" is just a type of an insertion point, the lower-boundary encapsulation rules apply just the same. Does this seem reasonable? Should I clarify this in the spec?
Okay. That makes sense. <shadow> is just an InsertionPoint and there is a lower boundary. We can close this bug as WONTFIX. Thank you!