This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
It is correctly stated in the "Properties" sections that these functions are context-dependent, because they depend on the default collation and statically known collections component of the static context. Because they can also operate on xs:date/xs:dateTime/xs:time, these functions also have a dependency on the implicit timezone component of the dynamic context. This should probably be noted in the "Properties" section, since it is a static error if a partial function application or named function reference refers to a function that is dependent on the dynamic context.
distinct-values also depends on the implicit timezone.
I have added the dependency on implicit-timezone to the properties of these five functions.
The WG endorsed this resolution. Marking as closed.
I think there may be yet more dependencies which should be noted. Any function which takes an explicit $collation parameter depends not only on the static context (available collations), but also on the dynamic context (dynamic base URI), since the argument may be a relative URI which would require resolution against the dynamic base URI. I'm assuming that when the collation is implicit, the default collation is always resolved to an absolute URI (against the static base URI), and therefore there is no dependency on the dynamic base URI in this case. I'm of the opinion that the dependency on the dynamic base URI is unfortunate. Since the available collations are part of the static context, and therefore the collation URIs are known statically, it seems strange that collation URIs would not be resolved against the static base URI (as in F&O 1.0) rather than the dynamic base URI. The functions format-dateTime, format-date and format-time depend on the dynamic context default language, deffault calendar and default place properties. The functions doc, doc-available, collection, uri-collection, unparsed-text, unparsed-text-available and unparsed-text-lines depend on the dynamic base URI (in addition to the dependencies already listed in the specification). The specification often says that a funciton depends on the "base uri", rather than "dynamic base uri".
See also Bug 16565.
I have changed the function catalog schema to rename "base URI" as "dynamic base URI" (there are no functions that depend on static base URI). I have added the additional dependencies as suggested.
Marked fixed resolved by decision of the WG today