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I disagree with the expected result for this test. The part of this which I disagree with is the following instance of test. declare function local:f($x as xs:long, $y as xs:NCName) as element(e)? { <e x="{$x}" y="{$y}"/> }; local:f#2 instance of function(xs:long, xs:NCName) as element(e, xs:anyType)*, The expected result (for this part of the test) is true . I believe it should be false. The function declaration has return type element(e)?. Refering to the Formal Semantics specification, this expends out to: [element(e)?]sequencetype == (element e nillable of type xs:anyType)? Expading out the return type from the function type being tested, we get: [element(e,xs:anyType)*]sequencetype == (element e of type xs:anyType)* Note the absense of nillable. Changing the test to: local:f#2 instance of function(xs:long, xs:NCName) as element(e, xs:anyType?)* would cause the actual and expected results to agree.
John you are the expert on this one, please can you adjudicate
SequenceType matching in the spec says: 2. element( ElementName ) matches any element node whose name is ElementName, regardless of its type annotation or nilled property. 3. element( ElementName , TypeName ) matches an element node whose name is ElementName if derives-from( AT, TypeName ) is true, where AT is the type annotation of the element node, and the nilled property of the node is false. This seems to agree with Tim's analysis. The SequenceType-subtype judgement says: 12. Bi is either element(Bn) or element(Bn, xs:anyType), the expanded QName of An equals the expanded QName of Bn, and Ai is either element(An), or element(An, T) for any type T. This seems to contradict SequenceType matching, and is therefore wrong. I agree with Tim's test change, but also think that the XQuery 3.0 spec, section, list item 12 should be changed to: Bi is either element(Bn) or element(Bn, xs:anyType?), the expanded QName of An equals the expanded QName of Bn, and Ai is either element(An), element(An, T), or element(An,T?) for any type T.
We require WG discussion on this bug issue
The Working Group has agreed to change point 12 of: To: 12. Bi is either element(Bn) or element(Bn, xs:anyType?), the expanded QName of An equals the expanded QName of Bn, and Ai is either element(An), element(An, T), or element(An,T?) for any type T. The test suite still needs to be updated.
The resolution in Comment #4 seems wrong. Instead of this: 12. Bi is either element(Bn) or element(Bn, xs:anyType?), the expanded QName of An equals the expanded QName of Bn, and Ai is either element(An), <lookhere>element(An, T), or element(An,T?)</lookhere> for any type T. Shouldn't it be this? 12. Bi is either element(Bn) or element(Bn, xs:anyType?), the expanded QName of An equals the expanded QName of Bn, and Ai is either element(An), <lookhere>element(An), or element(An,T?)</lookhere> for any type T.
Test case result updated to agree with the suggested change in comment #0.
I still don't agree with the expected result. It's possible to determine that declare function local:f($x as xs:long, $y as xs:NCName) as element(e)? { <e x="{$x}" y="{$y}"/> }; will always return an element(e). Thus this is equivalent to declare function local:f($x as xs:long, $y as xs:NCName) as element(e) { <e x="{$x}" y="{$y}"/> }; and so the result can be "true true true true true true true true true false"
Created attachment 1327 [details] Discussion document
This was discussed in XML Query/XSL WG Joint Teleconference #531 Minutes 2013-02-26. The test suite was updated accordingly.