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The following HTML5 fragment fails to validate with a "Bad value submit for attribute type on element button" error message, whereas said value is perfectly valid according to HTML5 specs: <form id="action1" action="/"></form> <button form="action1" type="submit">Submit</button>
Link to current spec:
Also when omitting the type attribute (which should default to type="submit" anyway, according to the aforementioned document) the validator complains a required attribute is missing.
I can't reproduce this with the markup fragment you provided.
Julien, If you can please re-check your doc at I'd appreciate it. Over the last 10 days or so I had been making some changes to the the validator HTML5 backend, and that might have left things in an unstable state that caused the problem you reported. But I now have things synced up and stable, so I think you should not see this problem again. But please let me know if you can still reproduce it.
So it appears that by over-simplifying the fragment I removed the bug :) This works fine: <form id="action1" action="/"></form> <button form="action1" type="submit">Submit</button> But this triggers the error, even on tonight: <form id="action1" action="/"></form> <button form="action1" type="submit" role="button">Submit</button> Sorry for the bad report earlier :-(
It seems to be cause by the "role" attribute, specifically. Other attributes )e.g. data-whatever) don't trigger any error.
(In reply to comment #5) > So it appears that by over-simplifying the fragment I removed the bug :) > > This works fine: > > <form id="action1" action="/"></form> > <button form="action1" type="submit">Submit</button> > > But this triggers the error, even on tonight: > > <form id="action1" action="/"></form> > <button form="action1" type="submit" role="button">Submit</button> > > Sorry for the bad report earlier :-( No problem at all. Answer: Consider just removing the role attribute. I'm not sure why you've added it there, but if it's for the purpose of making your app accessible to users of AT software, I don't think it's necessary, because I think the AT already knows that the button element is a button, and the AT can let the user know that without you needing to put a role attribute on it. That is, at least for the simple case. But if you also have some other aria-* attributes on that element, then please let me know. Because I think that's a bit of a different case. Or if there's some other reason you're adding it (customer requirement or guidelines published somewhere or something), lemme know. So the background on this is that I know what's causing this problem and how to fix it but I'm not ready to make that fix yet. The role-checking behaving is in the part of the validator backend that does ARIA checking, and that part is currently incomplete. I have a patch I've been working on to make it more complete, but that patch is not finished yet: Also, the HTML5 spec currently does not clearly allow <button role=button...>. See the following bug: "Authors should not be allowed to specify roles on elements that they already have by default" So I think what we are leaning toward is only allowing cases like <button role=button..> if there is also some other aria-* attribute(s) on the element; e.g., aria-pressed. So anyway, we are going to need an HTML5 spec change before I can do anything to make a validator change for this.
Fixed in the validator sources now. I'll push the change to the W3C validator later today.