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Bug 1583 - [FS] technical: 4.1.5 Function Calls: refactor
Summary: [FS] technical: 4.1.5 Function Calls: refactor
Alias: None
Product: XPath / XQuery / XSLT
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Formal Semantics 1.0 (show other bugs)
Version: Last Call drafts
Hardware: All All
: P2 normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Jerome Simeon
QA Contact: Mailing list for public feedback on specs from XSL and XML Query WGs
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-07-14 04:15 UTC by Michael Dyck
Modified: 2005-09-27 08:28 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:


Description Michael Dyck 2005-07-14 04:15:58 UTC
4.1.5 Function Calls

DEv / rule (1|2|3)
    These three rules are all mostly the same (though that fact is
    obscured by irrelevant differences).  Refactor!
    You could have one rule that does almost everything, but "calls out"
    to a judgment that handles the essential differences between
    locally-declared, imported, and built-in/external functions. The new
    judgment would have a form something like:
        FUNC-REMAINDER applied to Value1, ..., Valuen yields Value
    where FUNC-REMAINDER is a symbol for "the remainder of the function
    definition" that dynEnv.funcDefn maps to.

    (The built-in/external alternative of the new judgment would subsume
    DEv / rule 4.)

    This would also allow refactoring of some of the DErr rules.
Comment 1 Jerome Simeon 2005-07-27 13:05:13 UTC
Agreed, we may find a better way to write those rules.
Here are some proposed rules to address the comment, trying to improve on the
readability for the existing rules.
- Jerome


We should introduce a new formal grammar production:

  [Formal] FunctionSig ::= "declare" "function" QName "(" ParamList? (")" | (")"
"as" SequenceType))

Such production is notably used in the static context (for statEnv.funcType).

Dynamic semantics

Here is the generic rule function function calls:

  dynEnv |- Expr1 => Value1
  dynEnv |- Exprn => Valuen
  statEnv |- QName of func expands to expanded-QName
  statEnv.funcType(expanded-QName) = { FunctionSig1, ..., FunctionSigm }
  FunctionSigi = declare function expanded-QName(Type1, ..., Typen) as Type
  statEnv |- Value1 against Type1 promotes to Value1'
  statEnv |- Valuen against Typen promotes to Valuen'
  dynEnv |- function expanded-QName with types (Type1,...,Typen) on values
(Value1',...,Valuen') yields Value
  statEnv |- Value against Type promotes to Value'
  dynEnv |- QName ( Expr1, ..., Exprn ) => Value'

This uses the following auxiliary judgment:

  dynEnv |- function expanded-QName with types (Type1,...,Typen) on values
(Value1',...,Valuen') yields Value

which is defined as follows:

  * For user-defined functions:

  dynEnv.funcDefn(expanded-QName(Type1, ..., Typen)) = (Expr, Variable1, ... ,
  dynEnvDefault + varValue( Variable1 => Value1; ...; Variablen => Valuen) |-
Expr => Value
  dynEnv |- function expanded-QName with types (Type1,...,Typen) on values
(Value1,...,Valuen) yields Value

  * For built-in or functions:

  dynEnv.funcDefn(expanded-QName(Type1, ..., Typen)) = #BUILT-IN
  "The built-in function" expanded-QName "(See [Functions and
  Operators] or [7 Additional Semantics of Functions]) applied to"
  (Value1,...Value2) "yields the value" Value
  dynEnv |- function expanded-QName with types (Type1,...,Typen) on values
(Value1,...,Valuen) yields Value

  * For external functions:

  dynEnv.funcDefn(expanded-QName(Type1, ..., Typen)) = #EXTERNAL
  "The external function" expanded-QName "applied to"
  (Value1,...Value2) "yields the value" Value
  dynEnv |- function expanded-QName with types (Type1,...,Typen) on values
(Value1,...,Valuen) yields Value

  * For imported functions:

  Note that this case also checks that the parameteres can be promoted
  in the context of the imported module.

  dynEnv.funcDefn(expanded-QName(Type1, ..., Typen)) = #IMPORTED(URI)
  URI =>module_statEnv statEnv1
  URI =>module_dynEnv dynEnv1
  statEnv1.funcType(expanded-QName) = { FunctionSig1', ..., FunctionSigm' }
  FunctionSigi' = declare function expanded-QName(Type1', ..., Typen') as Type'
  dynEnv1.funcDefn(expanded-QName(Type1', ..., Typen')) = (Expr, Variable1, ...
, Variablen)
  statEnv1 |- Value1 against Type1 promotes to Value1'
  statEnv1 |- Valuen against Typen promotes to Valuen'
  dynEnvDefault + varValue( Variable1 => Value1; ...; Variablen => Valuen) |-
Expr => Value
  dynEnv |- function expanded-QName with types (Type1,...,Typen) on values
(Value1,...,Valuen) yields Value

Comment 2 Michael Dyck 2005-07-28 00:46:25 UTC
(In reply to comment #1)
>   [Formal] FunctionSig ::= "declare" "function" QName "(" ParamList? (")" | (")"
> "as" SequenceType))

This doesn't agree with your uses of the symbol:

>   FunctionSigi = declare function expanded-QName(Type1, ..., Typen) as Type
> ...
>   FunctionSigi' = declare function expanded-QName(Type1', ..., Typen') as Type'
Comment 3 Michael Dyck 2005-07-28 01:49:04 UTC
(In reply to comment #1)
>   * For imported functions:
>   Note that this case also checks that the parameteres can be promoted
>   in the context of the imported module.

I think XQuery 3.1.5 is saying that the conversion (incl. promotion) is done
once, but the resulting value must "match the expected type" twice (in both
modules). (Though I'm not sure if there's a case where the two interpretations
would have different outcomes.)

If my reading is correct, then you'd replace
>   statEnv1 |- Value1 against Type1 promotes to Value1'
>   ...
>   statEnv1 |- Valuen against Typen promotes to Valuen'
with 'matches' premises. But in either case, I think Type1 and Typen should be
Type1' and Typen' (the types in the signature in the defining module).
Comment 4 Jerome Simeon 2005-09-06 15:28:58 UTC
Agreed on comment #2. Thanks for the catch. We should have the grammar match the
signature used in the rules.

I also agree on comment #3 (although it took me a while longer to get there.

I think both are good amendments to the proposal.

- Jerome
Comment 5 Jerome Simeon 2005-09-27 08:28:49 UTC
The working groups have adopted the proposes resolution, with your amendments.
- Jerome