This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
Specification: Multipage: Complete: Comment: interface HTMLInputElement : HTMLElement { attribute DOMString accept; attribute DOMString alt; attribute DOMString autocomplete; attribute boolean autofocus; attribute boolean defaultChecked; attribute boolean checked; attribute DOMString dirName; attribute boolean disabled; readonly attribute HTMLFormElement? form; readonly attribute FileList? files; attribute DOMString formAction; attribute DOMString formEnctype; attribute DOMString formMethod; attribute boolean formNoValidate; attribute DOMString formTarget; attribute DOMString height; attribute boolean indeterminate; readonly attribute HTMLElement? list; attribute DOMString max; attribute long maxLength; attribute DOMString min; attribute boolean multiple; attribute DOMString name; attribute DOMString pattern; attribute DOMString placeholder; attribute boolean readOnly; attribute boolean required; attribute unsigned long size; attribute DOMString src; attribute DOMString step; attribute DOMString type; attribute DOMString defaultValue; attribute DOMString value; attribute Date valueAsDate; attribute double valueAsNumber; readonly attribute HTMLOptionElement? selectedOption; attribute DOMString width; void stepUp(optional long n); void stepDown(optional long n); readonly attribute boolean willValidate; readonly attribute ValidityState validity; readonly attribute DOMString validationMessage; boolean checkValidity(); void setCustomValidity(DOMString error); readonly attribute NodeList labels; void select(); attribute unsigned long selectionStart; attribute unsigned long selectionEnd; attribute DOMString selectionDirection; void setSelectionRange(unsigned long start, unsigned long end, optional DOMString direction); }; Posted from: User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/535.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/14.0.835.186 Safari/535.1