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Bug 1430 - [XPath] Further simplification of EBV
Summary: [XPath] Further simplification of EBV
Alias: None
Product: XPath / XQuery / XSLT
Classification: Unclassified
Component: XPath 2.0 (show other bugs)
Version: Last Call drafts
Hardware: PC Windows XP
: P2 normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Don Chamberlin
QA Contact: Mailing list for public feedback on specs from XSL and XML Query WGs
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-05-13 22:32 UTC by Michael Rys
Modified: 2005-09-29 11:37 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:


Description Michael Rys 2005-05-13 22:32:07 UTC
We appreciate the achieved simplifications of EBV. We still would prefer if 
EBV could be simplified further by disallowing numeric and string value and 
only provide that semantics for fn:boolean which then could be used by the 
XPath 1.0 backwards compatibility mode to deal with the XSLT expectations. 

We would like to see EBV to be:

	· If $arg is the empty sequence, EBV is false.
	· If $arg is a sequence whose first item is a node, EBV is true.
	· If $arg is a singleton value of type xs:boolean or a derived from 
xs:boolean, EBV is $arg.
	· In all other cases, EBV raises a type error [err:FORG0006].

Then define fn:boolean() as

	· If $arg is a singleton value of type xs:string or a type derived 
from xs:string or xdt:untypedAtomic, fn:boolean returns false if the operand 
value has zero length; otherwise it returns true. <= Raise an issue, recommend 
EBV to not do it, and let XSLT stylesheets use fn:boolean() instead for 
	· If $arg is a singleton value of any numeric type or a type derived 
from a numeric type, fn:boolean returns false if the operand value is NaN or 
is numerically equal to zero; otherwise it returns true.<= Raise an issue, 
recommend EBV to not do it, and let XSLT stylesheets use fn:boolean() instead 
for backwards-compat.
	· In all other cases, fn:boolean results in the EBV of $arg.
Comment 1 Michael Kay 2005-07-12 18:18:08 UTC
1.0 compatibility mode exists to deal with the cases where we have had no choice
 but to introduce incompatible changes. It doesn't give us free license to
introduce incompatible changes whenever we can think of ways of improving the
design. We have a responsibility to keep the cost of transition from 1.0 to 2.0
to a minimum, not just to provide a compatibility mode that allows people an
easy path for the first half of that transition.

I don't think this change in the design has sufficient benefit to justify the
high costs it will impose on many of our existing users, and the resulting
damage to our reputation.

Michael Kay
Comment 2 Don Chamberlin 2005-07-20 19:10:40 UTC
A joint meeting of the Query and XSLT working groups considered this comment on 
July 20, 2005, and decided not to make a specification change. Factors 
influencing this decision included the backward compatibility issue raised by 
Michael Kay in comment #1, and reluctance to introduce an inconsistency between 
Effective Boolean Value and the fn:boolean function.

Please let us know whether you consider this to be an acceptable response to 
your comment.

Don Chamberlin (for the joint working groups)
Comment 3 Michael Champion 2005-09-29 11:21:42 UTC
Microsoft Corporation has raised a formal objection to the working group's 
resolution of this issue.
Michael Rys has explained this position in

"We understand the backwards-compatibility implications of the proposed
change, but we feel that the improved semantics and simplicity of the
proposal as outlined in the comment would improve the usability and
adoption of XQuery. We are of the opinion, that we have now the chance
of fixing some of the warts of the earlier design to not affect XQuery
1.0 going forward, and we are disappointed that the XQuery WG decided to
not take the step of providing the best forward-looking semantics while
still providing some form of backwards-compatibility option as outlined
in bug 1430."
Comment 4 Michael Champion 2005-09-29 11:37:33 UTC
Writing as scribe for the joint XQuery/XSL working group:

The working groups considered Microsoft's objection at a joint meeting on 29 
September 2005 and there was no other support for changing the disposition of 
the original comment.