This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
If the collation is specified using a relative URI, it is assumed to be relative to the value of the base-uri property in the static context. We think that a different base is needed. For example, let's assume that a base URI is set to where I keep all my documents and that all collations are in If I write a query of the form: for $i in doc("customers.xml") where compare($i/name, "Doe", "English-AS-CS") = 0 return ... I would like the two relative URIs to resolve against their respective different bases.
We've had this discussion before... Relative URIs are not the way to solve the problem of making collation URIs interoperable. Implementations need to provide indirection mechanisms using catalogs, configuration files, or URI resolvers. I'm happy to ban relative collation URIs, or to say that the way they are resolved is implementation defined, but we don't want to set up additional machinery in this area.
The WGs discussed this request during the joint meeting on 5/19/2005 and decided not to accept it. Ashok Malhotra
As a result of the WGs' decision, the XSLT 2.0 spec has been brought into line with F+O in stating that any collation URI that is a relative URI must be resolved against the base URI from the static context (or in the case of a collation URI used outside the context of an XPath expression, the base URI of the stylesheet element on which it appears.) Michael Kay