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Bug 13902 - Add some examples of what accessKeyLabel might display (see comment 3)
Summary: Add some examples of what accessKeyLabel might display (see comment 3)
Alias: None
Product: HTML WG
Classification: Unclassified
Component: HTML5 spec (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Hardware: Other other
: P3 normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Ian 'Hixie' Hickson
QA Contact: HTML WG Bugzilla archive list
Keywords: a11y
Depends on:
Reported: 2011-08-25 15:19 UTC by contributor
Modified: 2011-10-27 21:10 UTC (History)
8 users (show)

See Also:


Description contributor 2011-08-25 15:19:07 UTC

Have more details about the format of accessKeyLabel, like by giving examples.
 We don't want one browser to format it like "Alt+L" and another "alt-l".

Posted from:
User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/535.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/15.0.854.0 Safari/535.2
Comment 1 Ian 'Hixie' Hickson 2011-10-12 19:15:10 UTC
Why not? It should just follow platform conventions.

But I can add more examples, sure, and explicitly say it should follow platform conventions.
Comment 2 Aryeh Gregor 2011-10-24 14:46:51 UTC
Are there really platform conventions for formatting accesskey labels?  Anyway, we don't want it to vary by platform because then authors will test on their favorite OS and do feature detection like this:

  button.accessKey = "A";
  if (!/A$/.test(button.accessKeyLabel)) {
    // Accesskey didn't stick, it must have been taken
    // by another element or something.  Do some fallback.

and it will fail if one browser uses uppercase and one uses lowercase.  Or whatever.  No, maybe authors shouldn't be using accessKeyLabel like this, but if there's one thing we've learned in web standards over the last ten years, it's that authors will rely on every little detail somehow and browsers need to match exactly.
Comment 3 Ian 'Hixie' Hickson 2011-10-25 05:24:49 UTC
(This comment is in UTF-8.)

Yes, the platform conventions are radically different from each other. For example, on Mac, Ctrl+S would have the label "^S", and Shift+Alt+Escape would have the label "⇧⌥⎋", whereas on Windows it would have the label "Shift+Alt+ESC". On Emacs, Control+Alt+X would have the label "C-M-x" whereas on Windows it would have the label "Ctrl+Alt+X" whereas on Mac it would have the label "^⌥X".

Anyway, the whole point of accesskey="" is that it has built-in fallback. If you want your key to be something+A or something+B or something+C, you say accesskey="A B C".
Comment 4 Ian 'Hixie' Hickson 2011-10-27 20:50:47 UTC
EDITOR'S RESPONSE: This is an Editor's Response to your comment. If you are satisfied with this response, please change the state of this bug to CLOSED. If you have additional information and would like the editor to reconsider, please reopen this bug. If you would like to escalate the issue to the full HTML Working Group, please add the TrackerRequest keyword to this bug, and suggest title and text for the tracker issue; or you may create a tracker issue yourself, if you are able to do so. For more details, see this document:

Status: Accepted
Change Description: see diff given below
Rationale: Examples are good.
Comment 5 contributor 2011-10-27 20:55:34 UTC
Checked in as WHATWG revision r6773.
Check-in comment: Add examples for accessKeyLabel
Comment 6 Aryeh Gregor 2011-10-27 21:10:55 UTC
Okay, looks good.  I didn't realize Mac had a different convention entirely here.