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public-html-comments posting from: Philippe De Ryck <> The following comment contains detailed information about an issue that was discovered during a recent security analysis of 13 next generation web standards, organized by ENISA (European Network and Information Security Agency), and performed by the DistriNet Research Group (K.U. Leuven, Belgium). The complete report is available at (*), and contains information about the process, the discovered vulnerabilities and recommendations towards improving overall security in the studied specifications. Summary --------- If two browsing contexts X and Y create a messaging channel using ports, no origin guarantees about the sender or receiver of the messages can be given. This is in contrast with the 'Cross-document Messaging' mechanism, where each message has a source and destination origin. Based on: HTML5 Web Messaging, 7 July 2011 Relevant Sections: 5. Channel Messaging Issue ------- Browsing context X creates two tangled messaging ports Px and Py, and sends Py to context Y. When sharing a port using postMessage, both the sender and receiver are explicitly identified. When sending messages through these ports, the source and destination origin are not explicitly available, but can be assumed to be the origins of sender and receiver of the ports. This assumption does not hold if a browsing context decides to further delegate a tangled port. Concrete scenario: 1. Context X creates two tangled ports, Px and Py 2. X sends Py to context Y 3. Y sends Py to a third context Z 4. X sends a message through the port shared with Y, but the message is received by Z A similar scenario occurs when context X sends port Px to a third context. Code example -------------- The relevant pieces of code to suppor the scenario: 1. Creating and passing the port to context Y var channel = new MessageChannel(); parent.frames[1].postMessage("port", [channel.port2], ""); 2. Resending the port from Y to Z parent.frames[2].postMessage("port", [port], ""); 3. Sending a message using the original port port.postMessage("hello"); Current state of implementation --------------------------------- The current browser implementations show the following behavior: * Firefox 5: MessageChannel not supported * Chrome 12: Scenario is supported (arguments of port and destination in postMessage are in wrong order) * IE 8: MessageChannel not supported * Safari 5 (windows): Scenario is supported (arguments of port and destination in postMessage are in wrong order) * Opera 11.50: Scenario is supported, origin of message is available even with message channels (see potential solution 2) Recommended Solution ---------------------- The best solution is to explicitly include source and destination origins for messages sent through a channel. The postMessage function for message ports can be extended to include a destination origin. Additionally, the MessageEvent for port messages can be required to include the origin of the sender (field is currently available, but is not used for 'channel messaging') (*) HTML version of the report is available as well: -- Philippe De Ryck K.U.Leuven, Dept. of Computer Science Disclaimer: adds: The intention of message channels being used in a capabilities model is not at all clear from the spec. Seeing it in this light, I have two additional comments: 1. It might be useful to mention this in the spec, so that this mechanism is used as intended (instead of just as an easy way to use two-way communication). Additionally, mention the consequences that this can have (i.e. the granted right can be passed along) 2. I understand that in a capabilities model, the target origin cannot be specified. I don't think that this holds for the source origin, so is there a specific reason to not include the source origin in the message (even though the attribute is available)?
I should add a non-normative section that talks about using MessagePort for exposing capabilities. It doesn't make sense to expose the origin even for source, though, first because MessageChannel pairs are symmetric (there is no way to know which is the source) and secondly because even if there was, nothing stops an author from delegating the provision of a service to another origin, and we wouldn't want sites to break just because a service they rely on has switched to being provisioned by another origin. It's also a potential privacy leak. Consider a case where someone invents a protocol for contact lists. Then they provide a generic interface that sites can communicate with to access the user's contact list, and the site proxies the requests to the site's Webmail service to actually provision the service by just passing its port along. If we expose source origins, third-party sites that just want to use this service can discover what Webmail service the user uses.
EDITOR'S RESPONSE: This is an Editor's Response to your comment. If you are satisfied with this response, please change the state of this bug to CLOSED. If you have additional information and would like the editor to reconsider, please reopen this bug. If you would like to escalate the issue to the full HTML Working Group, please add the TrackerRequest keyword to this bug, and suggest title and text for the tracker issue; or you may create a tracker issue yourself, if you are able to do so. For more details, see this document: Status: Partially Accepted Change Description: see diff given below Rationale: see above
Checked in as WHATWG revision r6647. Check-in comment: include information about the capabilities model