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Bug 1264 - [XSLT] Reconsider XTDE1480
Summary: [XSLT] Reconsider XTDE1480
Alias: None
Product: XPath / XQuery / XSLT
Classification: Unclassified
Component: XSLT 2.0 (show other bugs)
Version: Last Call drafts
Hardware: PC Linux
: P2 normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Michael Kay
QA Contact: Mailing list for public feedback on specs from XSL and XML Query WGs
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-04-21 15:46 UTC by Norman Walsh
Modified: 2005-07-14 22:37 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:


Description Norman Walsh 2005-04-21 15:46:31 UTC
I'm having some second thoughts about this error:

  [ERR XTDE1480] It is a non-recoverable dynamic error to evaluate the
  xsl:result-document instruction in temporary output state.

The ability to easily access result trees is going to make it very
tempting to deal with some sorts of customizations by simply putting
all the "normal" results in a variable and then transforming that
variable. (Think next-match or apply-imports.)

But XTDE1480 means that if any "normal" result constructs an output
document along the way (as the DocBook stylesheets can for "long
descriptions" of figures and tables per the WAI guidelines),
then that technique is going to fail. In fact, for the current DocBook
stylesheets it's even worse than that since the body of a figure or table is
passed as a parameter right now and so fails even in the simplest case.

I appreciate that result documents created in a variable or other
temporary context might be unpredictable but I would much prefer that
unpredictability to what we have today.

The workaround (and I will have to workaround this problem) will
be to put all the result-document content in the primary result
tree (wrapped in <magic:wraper> elements or something) and then post
process the result to write them out. In other words, it will force
me to always process every tree twice. That's going to be potentially
Comment 1 Michael Kay 2005-04-21 19:12:43 UTC
I'm sympathetic to the reuqirement, but I think we need to find a way to do it
cleanly. There are three possible problems if we simply remove the restriction:

(a) the processor might decide that it doesn't need to evaluate the variable,
and the result document then won't be written out.

(b) the processor might decide to evaluate the variable more than once, and the
xsl:result-document instruction will then fail saying two output files with the
same URI have been written

(c) the processor might decide that it only needs to evaluate the variable
partially, for example it might avoid evaluating a subtree that is never
accessed. As with (a) this may cause the result document not to be written, but
in ways that the user will find very hard to debug.

I think a potential solution is to add an attribute
writes-result-document="yes|no" to xsl:variable. If the value is yes, then the
processor is constrained to evaluate the variable as if it were itself a final
result tree (that is, to evaluate it in final output mode), and then assign this
"final result tree" to the variable; it's also constrained to only evaluate the
variable once. It may be tricky to formalize the semantics of this, but it
sounds like a feasible hack.

Michael Kay
Comment 2 Michael Kay 2005-07-14 22:36:46 UTC
The working group spent some time looking for a solution to this usability
problem, and failed to come up with a mechanism that didn't compromise the
side-effect-free nature of the language.

The problem is therefore closed with the resolution WONTFIX.