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Bug 1225 - description of / and // (editorial)
Summary: description of / and // (editorial)
Alias: None
Product: XPath / XQuery / XSLT
Classification: Unclassified
Component: XPath 2.0 (show other bugs)
Version: Last Call drafts
Hardware: PC Windows 2000
: P2 normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Don Chamberlin
QA Contact: Mailing list for public feedback on specs from XSL and XML Query WGs
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-04-07 10:27 UTC by David Carlisle
Modified: 2005-05-05 08:36 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:


Description David Carlisle 2005-04-07 10:27:21 UTC

describes / as

A "/" at the beginning of a path expression is an abbreviation for the initial
step fn:root(self::node()) treat as document-node() (this is true even if the
"/" is the entire path expression).

and // as

A "//" at the beginning of a path expression is an abbreviation for the initial
steps fn:root(self::node()) treat as document-node()/descendant-or-self::node()/. 

Note that the expansion of // ends with a trailing / and the expansion of / does
not. It would be more correct (I think) if it did end with a trailing slash
unless the / was the entire expression.

Alternatively (and perhaps better) neither expansion should end with a trailing
slash but the text should stress that the expansion is a complete step and in
particular a predicate is not allowed to follow.

For example


is legal and selects root nodes that have a top level element.


is a syntax error.

I believe the intention (and the xquery grammar) is that


is an error rather than selecting a root node that has an element child.

One more minor point that I wouldn't have commented on except that I noticed it
while pasting in the description of // above, the expanded example ends the
sentence and it would help if some indication that the following "." is part of
the sentence structure not part of the expression (there is a font change but
that's not easy to see on a ".") just inserting a space would probably be enough.

Comment 1 Michael Rys 2005-04-07 16:25:29 UTC
I don't think that we should change this. Note that rewriting / to (fn:root
(self::node()) treat as document-node())/ would yield a syntactically 
incorrect expression. 

And I also think that /[expr] should be allowed as expression. 
Comment 2 David Carlisle 2005-04-07 16:36:58 UTC
My (first) suggestion was to amend the expansion of a leading / so that it
explitly had 2 different expansions, without a trailing / in the case that there
is no following step. Currently the text highlights the fact that the expansions
are the same, but then if a trailing / is not needed in the expansion of / this
reader at least is left asking why one is needed in the expansion of //.

The alternative is to not put a trailing / on either and just use the statement
that it is a complete step to disallow a following predicate.  This is how Xpath
1 dissallowed the syntax .[expr] . (in Xpath1) abreviates a complete step.

So far I think all the discussion is editorial: how best to describe the current 

  And I also think that /[expr] should be allowed as expression. 

That of course would be a substantive change. I wouldn't disagree with it. As I
note above, XPath2 has already made a similar change allowing .[expr] which was
previously disallowed.

allowing /[expr] but not allowing //[expr] would of course be a convincing
argument to explain why the expansion of / does not end with a / but the
expansion of // does.

Comment 3 Don Chamberlin 2005-05-04 23:16:01 UTC
Thanks for your comment. The Query working group has discussed your comment and 
we agree with you that the expansion of initial "/" should include a 
trailing "/" unless the initial "/" is the entire path expression. I have 
edited the XPath/XQuery specification accordingly. We view this as an editorial 
correction and not as a substantive change to the language. I have also acted 
on your editorial suggestion to move the sentence-closing period away from the 
expansion of "//".

Since we have implemented your suggestions, I will assume that this issue is 
satisfactorily resolved unless you reply to the contrary.

Best regards,
--Don Chamberlin
Comment 4 David Carlisle 2005-05-05 08:36:10 UTC
