This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
Per Jonas: To construct a key range a set of constructors are available. In languages with interface objects [WEBIDL], these constructors are available on the IDBKeyRange interface object. In other languages these constructors are available through language specific means, for example as static functions" But I see that I forgot to say that the IDBKeyRangeConstructors interface implements these constructors. However WebIDL nowadays have support for "static" so there is no longer a need for a separate interface. We should just do interface IDBKeyRange { readonly attribute any lower; readonly attribute any upper; readonly attribute boolean lowerOpen; readonly attribute boolean upperOpen; static IDBKeyRange only (in any value); static IDBKeyRange lowerBound (in any bound, in optional boolean open); static IDBKeyRange upperBound (in any bound, in optional boolean open); static IDBKeyRange bound (in any lower, in any upper, in optional boolean lowerOpen, in optional boolean upperOpen); };