This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
The resolution of the "[IndexedDB] Calling setVersion while already in a setVersion transaction" thread was that calling setVersion while in another setVersion transaction should simply queue up another setVersion transaction to run when the current is finished. It'd be nice if the spec could make this more explicit.
I *think* this might be strictly defined now by But we could certainly make it more explicit in the setVersion() function definition or some such. Probably need to do the same for transaction().
assigning to me to make the suggested edit
Added the following sentence to IDBDatabaseSync.setVersion() ]] Calling setVersion() while a first setVersion transaction is already running queues up another setVersion transaction to run after the first setVersion transaction is finished. [[