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Bug 28267 - [webvtt] 3.1 Line wrapping for non-Latin scripts [I18N-ISSUE-434]
Summary: [webvtt] 3.1 Line wrapping for non-Latin scripts [I18N-ISSUE-434]
Alias: None
Product: TextTracks CG
Classification: Unclassified
Component: WebVTT (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Hardware: PC All
: P2 normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Richard Ishida
QA Contact: Web Media Text Tracks CG
Whiteboard: widereview
Depends on: 17473
  Show dependency treegraph
Reported: 2015-03-22 00:19 UTC by Silvia Pfeiffer
Modified: 2017-08-09 10:44 UTC (History)
8 users (show)

See Also:
silviapfeiffer1: needinfo? (ishida)


Description Silvia Pfeiffer 2015-03-22 00:19:35 UTC
Feedback by Addison Phillips from W3C I18N group:

I18N comment:

3.1 Text track cues

Line wrapping should take into account the special rules needed for scripts such as the following:

- Chinese, Japanese and Korean wrap after characters, but don't put certain characters at the start/end of a line

- Thai and other SE Asian scripts wrap at word boundaries, but words are not delimited by spaces – spaces are instead used to separate phrases.

- Tibetan wraps after the tsek character that follows a syllable – words are not separated by spaces.

- Indic and other complex scripts break at orthographic syllable boundaries, which are often two or more grapheme clusters.

See for additional background. ( provides additional examples, if needed.)

6.2.1 says that "Text runs must be wrapped according to the CSS line-wrapping rules", but that is a little vague (and, to be honest, the CSS information on script behaviour is also somewhat sparse). No mention is made of default settings for the line-break and word-break properties.

It would be good, as a minimum, to remind implementers that script-specific wrapping algorithms need to be supported for WebVTT content.

(6.2.2 says that "the 'word-wrap' property must be set to 'break-word'". Note that a alternative, and somewhat more descriptive name for this property is overflow-wrap.)

In addition, we noticed in:

In Section 1.1, there is discussion about line-wrapping and line-breaking. The examples are given in English. "Balancing" line wrapping might take different forms because of the presentational needs of various langauges.
Comment 1 Philip Jägenstedt 2015-03-23 04:12:54 UTC
Silvia, any idea why regions have word-wrap and overflow-wrap settings?

We say some silly things after "Text runs must be wrapped according to the CSS line-wrapping rules, with the following additional constraints:"

Nobody implements any of that I think.

I would really like it if line wrapping were simply the domain of CSS and that if we want some specific behavior we define it in terms of CSS. Someone would then have to do the work of specifying balanced line wrapping in CSS :/
Comment 2 Silvia Pfeiffer 2015-03-23 08:46:11 UTC
(In reply to Philip Jägenstedt from comment #1)
> Silvia, any idea why regions have word-wrap and overflow-wrap settings?

The idea there was to make sure that the text is never going outside the region's dimensions.
> We say some silly things after "Text runs must be wrapped according to the
> CSS line-wrapping rules, with the following additional constraints:"

That part is not for regions and was supposed to provide balanced lines.

> Nobody implements any of that I think.

I believe Victor gave it a try.

> I would really like it if line wrapping were simply the domain of CSS and
> that if we want some specific behavior we define it in terms of CSS. Someone
> would then have to do the work of specifying balanced line wrapping in CSS :/

See bug 19458
Comment 3 Philip Jägenstedt 2015-03-23 10:12:43 UTC
(In reply to Silvia Pfeiffer from comment #2)
> (In reply to Philip Jägenstedt from comment #1)
> > Silvia, any idea why regions have word-wrap and overflow-wrap settings?
> The idea there was to make sure that the text is never going outside the
> region's dimensions.

Shouldn't whatever measures are needed for this also apply to individual cues, so that they don't overflow the video viewport?

> > We say some silly things after "Text runs must be wrapped according to the
> > CSS line-wrapping rules, with the following additional constraints:"
> That part is not for regions and was supposed to provide balanced lines.


> > Nobody implements any of that I think.
> I believe Victor gave it a try.

Interesting. I can see no trace of that in Blink now, maybe it didn't work out.

> > I would really like it if line wrapping were simply the domain of CSS and
> > that if we want some specific behavior we define it in terms of CSS. Someone
> > would then have to do the work of specifying balanced line wrapping in CSS :/
> See bug 19458

Ah, thanks.
Comment 4 Silvia Pfeiffer 2015-03-23 12:08:53 UTC
(In reply to Philip Jägenstedt from comment #3)
> (In reply to Silvia Pfeiffer from comment #2)
> > (In reply to Philip Jägenstedt from comment #1)
> > > Silvia, any idea why regions have word-wrap and overflow-wrap settings?
> > 
> > The idea there was to make sure that the text is never going outside the
> > region's dimensions.
> Shouldn't whatever measures are needed for this also apply to individual
> cues, so that they don't overflow the video viewport?

Right, so we should set that on the viewport (i.e. the initial containing block). I hadn't noticed that missing, but I think the video's rendering area lets nothing out anyway.
Comment 5 Philip Jägenstedt 2015-03-23 13:21:32 UTC
I think the original intention was that the rendering algorithm should guarantee that no cue ever ended up outside the video viewport, so that something like overflow:hidden would not be needed. Bug 17473 was about this.

After the resolution of bug 17483 this is moot, as any cues that don't fit are removed.

That being said, maybe we do want to tweak the default white-space property, but if so the same defaults probably makes sense for regions and cues alike.
Comment 6 Silvia Pfeiffer 2015-06-08 09:58:34 UTC
(In reply to Philip Jägenstedt from comment #5)
> I think the original intention was that the rendering algorithm should
> guarantee that no cue ever ended up outside the video viewport, so that
> something like overflow:hidden would not be needed. Bug 17473 was about this.
> After the resolution of bug 17483 this is moot, as any cues that don't fit
> are removed.

Bug 17483 has been resolved, but we have kept the line breaking descriptions. However, bug 28432 should resolve this when we use CSS's new 'text-wrap: balance' (maybe the I18N WG can make sure that this new property works for different scripts?).

BTW: overflow hidden is being used on regions because they have a limited number of lines and we want lines that scroll up to disappear. Since normal cues don't have a limited number of lines, they won't need overflow hidden.

> That being said, maybe we do want to tweak the default white-space property,
> but if so the same defaults probably makes sense for regions and cues alike.

To address the remaining issues of this bug, should we put default values on 'line-break:auto' and 'word-break:normal' and should we replace 'word-wrap:break-word' with 'word-wrap:break-word'?
Comment 7 Philip Jägenstedt 2015-06-08 12:30:58 UTC
(In reply to Silvia Pfeiffer from comment #6)
> To address the remaining issues of this bug, should we put default values on
> 'line-break:auto' and 'word-break:normal' and should we replace
> 'word-wrap:break-word' with 'word-wrap:break-word'?

I don't know, I actually think we should just use the default settings of all white space- and line breaking-related CSS properties and just make sure they're whitelisted for overriding if necessary. Not sure what good we're doing by changing the defaults.
Comment 8 Silvia Pfeiffer 2015-06-08 12:49:46 UTC
(In reply to Philip Jägenstedt from comment #7)
> (In reply to Silvia Pfeiffer from comment #6)
> > To address the remaining issues of this bug, should we put default values on
> > 'line-break:auto' and 'word-break:normal' and should we replace
> > 'word-wrap:break-word' with 'word-wrap:break-word'?
> I don't know, I actually think we should just use the default settings of
> all white space- and line breaking-related CSS properties and just make sure
> they're whitelisted for overriding if necessary. Not sure what good we're
> doing by changing the defaults.

I believe the feedback was that there isn't a default unless we provide one.
Comment 9 Philip Jägenstedt 2015-06-08 12:52:47 UTC
(In reply to Silvia Pfeiffer from comment #8)
> (In reply to Philip Jägenstedt from comment #7)
> > (In reply to Silvia Pfeiffer from comment #6)
> > > To address the remaining issues of this bug, should we put default values on
> > > 'line-break:auto' and 'word-break:normal' and should we replace
> > > 'word-wrap:break-word' with 'word-wrap:break-word'?
> > 
> > I don't know, I actually think we should just use the default settings of
> > all white space- and line breaking-related CSS properties and just make sure
> > they're whitelisted for overriding if necessary. Not sure what good we're
> > doing by changing the defaults.
> I believe the feedback was that there isn't a default unless we provide one.

Perhaps I misunderstood something, surely getComputedStyle(cue).wordWrap would return *something* if cue were possible to access? Is it that we're integrating with CSS in some way which requires us to define this even in an implementation there would be no need to do anything corresponding?
Comment 10 Silvia Pfeiffer 2015-06-08 13:07:56 UTC
(In reply to Philip Jägenstedt from comment #9)
> Perhaps I misunderstood something, surely getComputedStyle(cue).wordWrap
> would return *something* if cue were possible to access? Is it that we're
> integrating with CSS in some way which requires us to define this even in an
> implementation there would be no need to do anything corresponding?

Comment 1 says "No mention is made of default settings for the line-break and word-break properties." - that's what I thought we might want to fix. has no default settings for cues, so I don't know if there is a default.
Comment 11 Philip Jägenstedt 2015-06-09 10:26:10 UTC
It looks like the issue stemmed from "Text runs must be wrapped according to the CSS line-wrapping rules, with the following additional constraints" and I think we should remove that entire bullet point, using only plain CSS to get the result what we want.
Comment 12 Silvia Pfeiffer 2015-06-09 19:49:59 UTC
(In reply to Philip Jägenstedt from comment #11)
> It looks like the issue stemmed from "Text runs must be wrapped according to
> the CSS line-wrapping rules, with the following additional constraints" and
> I think we should remove that entire bullet point, using only plain CSS to
> get the result what we want.

OK, but that doesn't fix the second point about lack of default settings for the line-break and word-break properties, does it?
Comment 13 Philip Jägenstedt 2015-06-10 17:26:09 UTC
(In reply to Silvia Pfeiffer from comment #12)
> (In reply to Philip Jägenstedt from comment #11)
> > It looks like the issue stemmed from "Text runs must be wrapped according to
> > the CSS line-wrapping rules, with the following additional constraints" and
> > I think we should remove that entire bullet point, using only plain CSS to
> > get the result what we want.
> OK, but that doesn't fix the second point about lack of default settings for
> the line-break and word-break properties, does it?

Doesn't CSS itself provide some initial value for these properties? It seems strange if every spec has to specify this.
Comment 14 Silvia Pfeiffer 2015-06-20 03:39:53 UTC
(In reply to Philip Jägenstedt from comment #13)
> > OK, but that doesn't fix the second point about lack of default settings for
> > the line-break and word-break properties, does it?
> Doesn't CSS itself provide some initial value for these properties? It seems
> strange if every spec has to specify this.

The default UA style sheet is for HTML elements. A cue isn't a HTML element. So, I think we need to add this here.
Comment 15 Philip Jägenstedt 2015-06-29 07:38:02 UTC
(In reply to Silvia Pfeiffer from comment #14)
> (In reply to Philip Jägenstedt from comment #13)
> > > OK, but that doesn't fix the second point about lack of default settings for
> > > the line-break and word-break properties, does it?
> > 
> > Doesn't CSS itself provide some initial value for these properties? It seems
> > strange if every spec has to specify this.
> The default UA style sheet is for HTML elements. A cue isn't a HTML element.
> So, I think we need to add this here.

I don't mean as part of the UA style sheet, I mean as part of CSS itself. The HTML UA style sheet doesn't override every CSS property, so there must be defaults outside of HTML.
Comment 16 Silvia Pfeiffer 2015-06-29 09:22:08 UTC
(In reply to Philip Jägenstedt from comment #15)
> I don't mean as part of the UA style sheet, I mean as part of CSS itself.
> The HTML UA style sheet doesn't override every CSS property, so there must
> be defaults outside of HTML.

IIUC, each CSS property has default values. E.g. see . However, the HTML UA style sheet overrides these for HTML elements as necessary.

line-break's default value is 'auto' according to:
which means
"The UA determines the set of line-breaking restrictions to use, and it may vary the restrictions based on the length of the line; e.g., use a less restrictive set of line-break rules for short lines."

Question to Addison: would a default setting of 'strict', 'normal' or 'loosel be better for  our purposes?

As for "word-wrap"
it looks like we should replace that with "overflow-wrap".
Comment 17 Richard Ishida 2015-07-31 15:35:27 UTC
I believe that auto (ie. user-defined default per script) would be the best setting.
Comment 18 Silvia Pfeiffer 2015-08-09 09:21:09 UTC
So, we don't need to do anything for line-break - it's already 'auto'.

What's left then is to replace 'word-wrap' with 'overflow-wrap'
Comment 19 Courtney 2015-10-01 23:50:33 UTC
I've created a patch at
as a proposed resolution for this issue.
Comment 21 Simon Pieters 2015-10-30 04:05:15 UTC
ishida please verify this bug or reopen
Comment 22 David Singer 2016-10-11 17:57:13 UTC
We defer to CSS for wrapping, and now use the correct overflow-wrap property (not 'word-wrap')
Comment 23 Silvia Pfeiffer 2017-08-09 10:44:28 UTC
Richard, can you confirm that the resolution of this bug is ok so we can move the WebVTT spec to CR status?