This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.

This archived bug list includes all the bugs for the product or component specified, including bugs that have been resolved.

Sat Mar 30 2019 23:15:26 UTC
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53 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Opened Changed
13765 HTML WG HTML Mic ian RESO FIXE Drop the ban on in itemprop and itemtype 2011-08-12 2011-08-12
13863 HTML WG HTML Mic ian RESO INVA Why is itemid a valid URL potentially surrounded by spaces? 2011-08-22 2011-08-25
13867 HTML WG HTML Mic ian RESO FIXE alert('Hello ' +['name'][0].content + '!'); s/content/textContent/ ? 2011-08-22 2011-10-05
13929 HTML WG HTML Mic ian RESO FIXE The microdata vCard and vEvent vocabularies support global identifiers, but the RFC UID formats are invalid URLs 2011-08-28 2011-10-25
13939 HTML WG HTML Mic ian RESO FIXE In section titled "application/microdata+json" (currently (2011-08-28) numbered 6.1), the phrase "as such" doesn't fit: Labeling a resource ... asserts that the resource is a JSON text that consists of ..., the objects being of the same form as the 2011-08-28 2011-10-12
14039 HTML WG HTML Mic ian RESO FIXE The algorithm for finding properties of an item doesn't check for element namespace 2011-09-06 2011-10-28
14112 HTML WG HTML Mic ian RESO NEED meta should allow additional meta -tags only as optional content to support reporting of structured metadata. 2011-09-12 2011-12-21
14233 HTML WG HTML Mic ian RESO FIXE Allow items to have multiple types if they share the same vocabulary. 2011-09-21 2011-10-12
14285 HTML WG HTML Mic ian RESO INVA I need help to understand how to read a (Copy of ETFs_Designated_For_Extended_Trading.xls) I do not no a thing nor do i understand a thing it is trying to show me!! For example, What the heck is this, <html xmlns:o="urn;schemas-microsoft-com:office:offi 2011-09-26 2011-09-26
14418 HTML WG HTML Mic ian RESO FIXE Section 2.4 Values: ", then the property would except the title to be given in " typo, except --> expect 2011-10-10 2011-10-18
14444 HTML WG HTML Mic ian RESO FIXE Microdata: document.getItems() inconsistent with document.getElementsByClassName() 2011-10-13 2011-10-13
14465 HTML WG HTML Mic ian RESO WONT If itemid is a unique identifier, then should the Microdata DOM API include a method for retrieving a Node by itemid, similar to GetElementById()? 2011-10-14 2011-10-14
14466 HTML WG HTML Mic ian RESO DUPL If itemid is a unique identifier, then should the Microdata DOM API include a method for retrieving a Node by itemid, similar to GetElementById()? 2011-10-14 2011-10-14
14508 HTML WG HTML Mic ian RESO WONT The specification should allow authors to just add itemtype as a property without also having to add the itemscope property; this makes using html5 microdata easier and more terse. 2011-10-19 2011-10-25
14648 HTML WG HTML Mic ian RESO NEED How can I get a microdata? after test with HTML5 no point for MICRODATA 2011-11-01 2011-11-01
15304 HTML WG HTML Mic ian RESO WONT Nested <META> tags in <HEAD> 2011-12-21 2012-01-03
15361 HTML WG HTML Mic ian RESO INVA Hello, before I start, currently have @ 176 feeds urls , etc ? some use html / some java , will this be a problem ? if so I will continue with snippets 2011-12-30 2011-12-30
15362 HTML WG HTML Mic ian RESO DUPL Hello, before I start, currently have @ 176 feeds urls , etc ? some use html / some java , will this be a problem ? if so I will continue with snippets 2011-12-30 2011-12-30
15363 HTML WG HTML Mic ian RESO DUPL Hello, before I start, currently have @ 176 feeds urls , etc ? some use html / some java , will this be a problem ? if so I will continue with snippets 2011-12-30 2011-12-30
15520 HTML WG HTML Mic ian RESO WONT In 1.2 I see example: <h1 itemscope> <data itemprop="product-id" value="9678AOU879">The Instigator 2000</data> </h1> Here, there is an item with a property whose value is a product ID. The ID is not human-friendly, so the product's name is used the human 2012-01-11 2012-02-06
15980 HTML WG HTML Mic ian RESO INVA Bütün engellilere iş imkanı sağlayabilmek için kurduğum alışveriş sitesin un satıcılarını sadece engelliler, müşterilerini ise herkes oluşturuyor. 2012-02-14 2012-03-07
16129 HTML WG HTML Mic ian RESO INVA hello,Im looking for missing person.Name,Ann Narle Poon.Location last,Lexington S.C, Age 44.Last career in Del Mar.In the medical records field 2012-02-27 2012-03-03
16208 HTML WG HTML Mic ian RESO INVA bfjhdg vdghtfdbnjdtgd vghddhgdv vbgd v7d6ydgtfdygjnhufnhjjmf mmhfbnj fkf jbfnjh fjhf bfhj nf 2012-03-02 2012-03-03
16209 HTML WG HTML Mic ian RESO DUPL bfjhdg vdghtfdbnjdtgd vghddhgdv vbgd v7d6ydgtfdygjnhufnhjjmf mmhfbnj fkf jbfnjh fjhf bfhj nf 2012-03-02 2012-03-03
16562 HTML WG HTML Mic ian RESO INVA انجمن علمی دانشجویی مهندسی کامپیوتر دانشکده فنی و مهندسی جم pgu jam ce 2012-03-28 2012-05-14
16763 HTML WG HTML Mic ian RESO INVA Вас приветстует питомник бассет-хаундов "From Ridzhin Brill House" 2012-04-17 2012-05-14
16795 HTML WG HTML Mic robin NEW --- I'd like to provide feedback on the section on "Encoding Microdata", specifically the subsection on "Values". I believe it is crucial forthr usefulness of microdata that one is able to markup form fields as itemprops, and have the itemvalue correctly iden 2012-04-19 2013-04-05
16815 HTML WG HTML Mic dave.null RESO INVA I hope the abstract to be ,and still think about let the webpage be easy ,no more effect ,no use of graphic , to serve the goal of information bass 2012-04-21 2013-04-05
16891 HTML WG HTML Mic ian RESO INVA Kart In Jaguaré A melhor diversão de São Paulo! Venha conferir 2012-04-30 2012-05-14
16943 HTML WG HTML Mic ian RESO INVA شبكة ,مجالس ,بللحمر, يختص ,الموقع ,بالتعريف ,عن ,قبائل ,بللحمر ,وأوديتها ,وقراها ,و,كذلك, إبراز ,الجوانب ,الثقافيه, فيها ,من ,عادات وتقاليد,أصيله ، و,إطلاله ,متميّزة, على ,تراثها ,وتاريخها ,وانسابها ,وعوائلها, وموقعها ,الجغرافي ,والسكاني ,والرقي ,بالتعليم 2012-05-05 2012-05-14
16944 HTML WG HTML Mic ian RESO INVA شبكة ,مجالس ,بللحمر, يختص ,الموقع ,بالتعريف ,عن ,قبائل ,بللحمر ,وأوديتها ,وقراها ,و,كذلك, إبراز ,الجوانب ,الثقافيه, فيها ,من ,عادات وتقاليد,أصيله ، و,إطلاله ,متميّزة, على ,تراثها ,وتاريخها ,وانسابها ,وعوائلها, وموقعها ,الجغرافي ,والسكاني ,والرقي ,بالتعليم 2012-05-05 2012-05-14
17200 HTML WG HTML Mic dave.null RESO WONT The Dependencies section states that this specification depends on the HTML5 specification. However, this specification does not make clear anywhere whether microdata can be *used* with HTML 4.01. I don't see any reason why it can't be and, if this is t 2012-05-25 2013-04-05
17450 HTML WG HTML Mic ian RESO INVA This specification is bloody awful. It looks like it's been designed for the subset of computer programmers that get off on the sort of jargon-ridden computer documentation that only other hardcore computer programmers can read. In more everyday language 2012-06-09 2012-06-12
17539 HTML WG HTML Mic ian RESO NEED i need to have a Markup Validator code on my website head body of website 2012-06-18 2012-07-02
17618 HTML WG HTML Mic ian RESO INVA W3C HTML Microdata W3C Working Draft 29 March 2012 This Version: Latest Published Version: Latest Editor's Draft: Previous Versions: 2012-06-27 2012-07-02
17634 HTML WG HTML Mic ian RESO NEED Posicionamiento web seo ecuador google, paginas web, envio sms, aplicaciones moviles, publicidad 2012-06-28 2012-07-02
17664 HTML WG HTML Mic ian RESO INVA who want to buy fruit trees, ornamental plants,flowering plants . you can contact me if you are interesting in our products. you can browser our website to get more informations on the fruit trees, ornamental plants,flowering plants .http://www.fruit-tree 2012-07-01 2012-07-02
17721 HTML WG HTML Mic dave.null RESO INVA Anda masih kurang bijak ,, JIKA masih belum menjadikan sebagai medium HOMEPAGE ANDA !!! Mengapa ?! Kerana dengan menjadikan (PERCUMA SEUMUR HIDUP) sebagai Homepage anda , anda akan dibayar, tidak seperti selama ini sebelu 2012-07-08 2013-02-04
17727 HTML WG HTML Mic dave.null RESO WORK "The itemid attribute, if specified, must have a value that is a valid URL." contradicts the example that shows a URI (urn:) a bit further down; should this read "valid URI"? 2012-07-09 2013-04-05
18142 HTML WG HTML Mic dave.null RESO FIXE What about nested tags or itemprop attribute which used on <a> tags? See: 2012-07-18 2013-04-05
18161 HTML WG HTML Mic dave.null RESO FIXE This statement: "The type gives the context for the properties, thus defining a vocabulary" says that a vocabulary consists of terms in the context of a type. So a vocabulary is a set of (type,terms). How can a different type have the same vocabulary? Dif 2012-07-18 2013-04-05
18192 HTML WG HTML Mic dave.null RESO FIXE In step 10, both occurrences of "the element" should be replaced with "current" so it's clear which element is meant 2012-07-18 2013-04-05
18194 HTML WG HTML Mic silviapfeiffer1 RESO FIXE Definition of .properties does not match implementation reality 2012-07-18 2013-02-16
18195 HTML WG HTML Mic dave.null RESO FIXE HTMLCollection.prototype.namedItem behavior not defined for HTMLPropertiesCollection 2012-07-18 2013-03-17
18638 HTML WG HTML Mic dave.null RESO INVA Photo view 2012-08-21 2012-08-21
18950 HTML WG HTML Mic dave.null RESO WONT consider to make <meta> accepting <meta> children 2012-09-21 2013-04-05
19016 HTML WG HTML Mic dave.null RESO LATE Microdata doesn't allow marking up content with multiple vocabularies 2012-09-25 2013-02-25
19019 HTML WG HTML Mic dave.null RESO LATE i'd like to encode a geographical position in the format like <span itemprop=geo itemvalue="lat;lon">HUMAN-FRIENDLY- and LOCALIZED-LAT, LON</span>, but current microdata syntax does not allow it. <meta itemprop=geo content=...> could be used, but contain 2012-09-25 2013-02-25
19050 HTML WG HTML Mic dave.null RESO LATE Microdata: Language handling 2012-09-25 2013-02-25
19522 HTML WG HTML Mic eoconnor RESO FIXE Document outline (h[1-6] headings) are incorrect 2012-10-12 2012-10-12
23080 HTML WG HTML Mic dave.null RESO MOVE Remove HTML Microdata API 2013-08-27 2015-09-30
26390 HTML WG HTML Mic dave.null NEW --- 404 error for Editor's draft 2014-07-19 2014-07-19
28213 HTML WG HTML Mic dave.null CLOS INVA 2015-03-14 2015-03-14
53 bugs found.