This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.

This archived bug list includes all the bugs for the product or component specified, including bugs that have been resolved.

Sat Mar 30 2019 23:09:32 UTC
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78 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Opened Changed
9301 HTML WG HTML Can ian RESO FIXE Support dashed lines in canvas 2010-03-23 2014-12-02
11342 HTML WG HTML Can jaymunro CLOS WORK TextMetrics should include distance from textBaseline to each of the baselines in the text 2010-11-18 2016-03-03
13277 HTML WG HTML Can jaymunro ASSI --- canvas '2d' context needs a getter for current point in path 2011-07-16 2014-06-20
13819 HTML WG HTML Can ian RESO INVA canvas mouse event 2011-08-18 2011-08-18
13820 HTML WG HTML Can ian RESO DUPL canvas mouse event 2011-08-18 2011-08-18
13822 HTML WG HTML Can ian CLOS FIXE [putImageData domintro] first argument can't be null per WebIDL 2011-08-18 2011-10-05
14001 HTML WG HTML Can ian RESO NEED 1) Please add a radiusY to the path arc command(s) so it is easier to create ellipse shapes and elliptical arcs. It would be very nice if the Canvas path supported a similar API to that for creating SVG paths via JavaScript so shapes could be exchanged 2011-09-01 2011-10-18
14091 HTML WG HTML Can ian RESO DUPL There appear to be no dash or dotted line styles available. Please add a dash array options to the context. Something like: context.dashArray [ = value ] where value would be a list like this "4 2" where the first defines the dash length and the secon 2011-09-08 2011-10-18
14243 HTML WG HTML Can ian RESO INVA Wir sind hier 2011-09-22 2011-09-22
14244 HTML WG HTML Can ian RESO INVA Wir sind hier 2011-09-22 2011-09-22
14301 HTML WG HTML Can ian RESO INVA color assigned. If the value cannot be parsed a 2011-09-27 2011-09-27
14305 HTML WG HTML Can ian RESO INVA interface CanvasGradient { // opaque object void addColorStop(double offset, DOMString color); }; interface CanvasPattern { // opaque object }; interface TextMetrics { readonly attribute double width; }; interface ImageData { readonly attribu 2011-09-27 2011-09-27
14499 HTML WG HTML Can ian CLOS FIXE Need ability to reset Canvas clipping region without resetting all other Canvas state 2011-10-18 2012-07-06
14562 HTML WG HTML Can ian RESO INVA According to the website, Canvas2D is one of the specifications that are on "last call", so here's what I'd still like to see (one graphics, two typographical, all three known irks for many people who actually use canvas): - an elliptical arc command in a 2011-10-25 2011-10-28
14579 HTML WG HTML Can ian RESO FIXE Add ellipse support to canvas 2011-10-27 2012-03-28
14580 HTML WG HTML Can ian RESO DUPL filing a separate feature request as requested in --- Please add a more elaborate font metrics object such as currently shimmed on, so that graphics involving text 2011-10-27 2012-05-14
14581 HTML WG HTML Can ian RESO NEED Multiline text on canvas 2011-10-27 2011-11-02
15026 HTML WG HTML Can ian RESO DUPL Need a mechanism to draw elliptical arcs. Once available this can be extended to draw an ellipse. 1. Current methods of drawing them with beziers/quadratic curves do not work well and are approximations. 2. Using arcto/arc followed by scaling distorts the 2011-12-01 2011-12-07
15218 HTML WG HTML Can ian RESO DUPL In section "Complex shapes (paths)", there is an error in the example code for isPointInPath(). In processClick(), the variable "node" is undefined. I assume that the following line should be added: var node = canvas; 2011-12-15 2011-12-15
15255 HTML WG HTML Can ian RESO FIXE CanvasRenderingContext2D.getTransform() would be quite awesome 2011-12-17 2012-01-28
15534 HTML WG HTML Can ian RESO INVA Comprado el libro del html5 Canvas y para practicar necesito la fuente 2012-01-12 2012-01-13
15635 HTML WG HTML Can ian RESO INVA Hello, This is the text book for world people who are doing. 2012-01-20 2012-01-21
15636 HTML WG HTML Can ian RESO INVA I'm Sorry. This is the first time using. This is section interesting. checking for html5 standards 2012-01-20 2012-01-21
16162 HTML WG HTML Can ian RESO INVA <!-- saved from url=(0186) --> <html><head><meta http-equiv="Content- 2012-02-29 2012-02-29
16393 HTML WG HTML Can ian RESO FIXE The last paragraph of "Caret and selection management" use a phrase to define itself: "The caret position is the rectangular left edge of the caret position within an element having focus." So a caret position is the left edge of a caret position is the l 2012-03-15 2012-03-28
16466 HTML WG HTML Can ian CLOS FIXE for ellipse: "radius radians" should be "rotation radians" 2012-03-21 2012-03-29
16482 HTML WG HTML Can ian CLOS FIXE missing text for stroke() 2012-03-22 2012-03-29
16524 HTML WG HTML Can ian RESO FIXE ask about reasons to use getter/setter for lineDash 2012-03-26 2012-03-29
16525 HTML WG HTML Can ian RESO FIXE Typo fix: algorith -> algorithm It's in the line: "When a user agent is to trace a path, given an object style that implements the CanvasDrawingStyles interface, it must run the following ->algorith<-. " Thanks! 2012-03-26 2012-05-14
16593 HTML WG HTML Can ian RESO NEED I want to share my video to my friend but it doesn,t working as well as before.thank you 2012-04-01 2012-05-14
16646 HTML WG HTML Can ian RESO INVA te65 7tey. 54q t yuirwy o 144 411 3347468407 111 12321。1 额t517我踢球。2 224 62e 48611816313 ew 4q ey 人员而额而3 7722uwrq qwrw4 44 q236。eq3。 4 w40192421 893258.q3.34i 647py wy 1 765 1 1127061 uq。85 2rwr1132yruqw u.qw t5 7364624.4 ry754 wqr w7tui33 52125. q 2012-04-05 2012-05-14
16793 HTML WG HTML Can dave.null RESO NEED > >The TextMetrics interface is used for the objects returned from measureText(). > It has one attribute, width, which is set by the measureText() method I presume it was called width because i 2012-04-18 2012-08-23
16813 HTML WG HTML Can jaymunro NEW --- I am hoping to be able to use the imageInfo object from .getImageInfo as a normal image in draw steps, like a png. this would allow someone to greatly speed up the drawing of paths by allowing them to store and reuse a path they've allready created withou 2012-04-21 2013-03-11
17169 HTML WG HTML Can ian RESO NEED HTML5, CSS3, SVG, internet explorer not connected 2012-05-24 2012-06-04
17220 HTML WG HTML Can jaymunro ASSI --- Hi, Could you add a function like SDL_SetColorKey into the standard. To do pixel manipulation is trivial. 2012-05-28 2013-05-15
17221 HTML WG HTML Can dave.null RESO DUPL Hi, Could you add a function like SDL_SetColorKey into the standard. To do pixel manipulation is trivial. 2012-05-28 2012-07-18
17284 HTML WG HTML Can cabanier RESO INVA The type of fillStyle/strokeStyle should probably be |(DOMString or CanvasGradient or CanvasPattern)| 2012-06-01 2012-09-28
17524 HTML WG HTML Can dave.null RESO INVA This is a test from angwhere. 2012-06-17 2012-08-07
17563 HTML WG HTML Can cabanier RESO WONT Forbid use of canvas for decoration 2012-06-21 2012-09-28
17577 HTML WG HTML Can cabanier RESO WONT Problem: How to manipulate pixels of an image that can then be affected by a transformation. Example: Load an image. Change pixels by increasing red value. Display image with a rotation. Result: Cannot be done. As far as I can tell there is no way to use 2012-06-22 2012-08-23
17760 HTML WG HTML Can cabanier CLOS FIXE createPattern(canvas, null) now throws rather than 'repeat' 2012-07-12 2012-08-20
18014 HTML WG HTML Can cabanier CLOS WONT If an arc is given a negative radius couldn't the result of that just flip or invert the arc? It would be better than throwing an error, and what I'd expect to happen in that case. 2012-07-18 2012-08-21
18092 HTML WG HTML Can dave.null RESO NEED sequencegetLineDash(); (shouldn't this be sequence getLineDash, with a space between "sequence" and "getLineDash") 2012-07-18 2012-08-23
18117 HTML WG HTML Can jaymunro RESO WONT Shouldn't there be a setClip() rather than a resetClip(). There is already a transform() and setTransform(). Shouldn't clip follow the same conventions? 2012-07-18 2014-06-20
18150 HTML WG HTML Can cabanier RESO NEED is there no method to retrieve the coordinates of an image 2012-07-18 2012-08-23
18213 HTML WG HTML Can dave.null RESO FIXE void addHitRegion(HitRegionOptions options); 2012-07-18 2012-09-07
18214 HTML WG HTML Can cabanier RESO DUPL void addHitRegion(HitRegionOptions options) 2012-07-18 2012-08-22
18220 HTML WG HTML Can jaymunro NEW --- drawImage should accept SVGImageElement 2012-07-18 2017-06-08
18227 HTML WG HTML Can jaymunro RESO WONT The methods here don't say how to handle Infinity and NaN arguments. Infinity should probably just be applied (though maybe not for rotate()...) but NaN in particular needs to be dealt with, either by defining what happens with a matrix with NaN values or 2012-07-18 2013-04-22
18233 HTML WG HTML Can jaymunro RESO FIXE Wrong IDL in definition of HitRegionOptions 2012-07-18 2012-08-23
18246 HTML WG HTML Can cabanier CLOS FIXE Why is putImageData throwing on NaN/infinity defined in prose, not IDL? 2012-07-18 2012-08-22
18303 HTML WG HTML Can jaymunro RESO FIXE typo: "associatd" instead of "associated" 2012-07-18 2012-10-04
18304 HTML WG HTML Can dave.null RESO NEED isPointInPath does not help much if you have multiple polygons that might overlay each other but do have a z-index - meaning, only the top layer should be highlighted on mouseOver/click 2012-07-18 2012-08-18
18512 HTML WG HTML Can jaymunro RESO INVA Test entry to get to know Bugzilla system - please ignore this bug. [canvas] 2012-08-09 2012-08-09
18629 HTML WG HTML Can cabanier RESO FIXE Why are many methods throwing on NaN/infinity defined in prose, not IDL? 2012-08-20 2012-08-23
18885 HTML WG HTML Can silviapfeiffer1 RESO FIXE Make sure to define isPointInPath(path, x, y) 2012-09-15 2012-09-18
19013 HTML WG HTML Can jaymunro RESO LATE Add Path objects and intersects() function 2012-09-25 2016-04-21
19026 HTML WG HTML Can jaymunro RESO LATE I would like to see a clearPath or clearStroke functions similar to clearRect but to clear lines, not just full rectangles 2012-09-25 2013-02-22
19031 HTML WG HTML Can jaymunro RESO LATE It would be beneficial to have a property within linewidth such as 'hairline'so that drawings could be scaled and linewidth would be independant. For ex. a line always having a width of 1 no matter the scale. This is almost necessary when displaying engin 2012-09-25 2013-02-22
19052 HTML WG HTML Can jaymunro RESO LATE Since context.putImageData() does not handle compositing, another set of methods, maybe context.drawImageData(), should be created to allow ImageData objects to be drawn onto the canvas in the same fashion as Image objects. 2012-09-25 2013-02-22
19053 HTML WG HTML Can jaymunro RESO LATE An additional useful transformation would be Perspective. 2012-09-25 2013-02-22
19515 HTML WG HTML Can eoconnor RESO FIXE Document outline (h[1-6] headings) are incorrect 2012-10-12 2012-10-12
19641 HTML WG HTML Can jaymunro RESO WONT example "This canvas element has a couple of checkboxes" don`t work. 2012-10-19 2013-09-17
19820 HTML WG HTML Can jaymunro RESO FIXE Description of transformation in drawimage is confusing 2012-11-01 2013-02-01
19905 HTML WG HTML Can jaymunro CLOS WONT HTML5 Canvas Gradient - new idea, "new Canvas"... 2012-11-08 2013-03-04
19934 HTML WG HTML Can jaymunro RESO FIXE Is the argument of setLineDash an array or sequence? 2012-11-11 2012-11-13
20034 HTML WG HTML Can cabanier CLOS WONT canvas getImageData opens security whole for code 2012-11-21 2012-11-22
20612 HTML WG HTML Can jaymunro RESO FIXE Canvas 2D Context needs to support fillRule attribute 2013-01-09 2013-03-21
20956 HTML WG HTML Can jaymunro RESO FIXE Getting a more formal definition for imageSmoothingEnabled 2013-02-11 2013-03-04
21060 HTML WG HTML Can jaymunro RESO NEED review canvas best practices 2013-02-20 2013-03-20
21199 HTML WG HTML Can jaymunro NEW --- Add blend modes to Canvas' globalCompositeOperation 2013-03-05 2013-03-05
23392 HTML WG HTML Can jaymunro RESO NEED request: elliptical arc 2013-09-29 2014-06-20
24122 HTML WG HTML Can jaymunro RESO FIXE Update scrollPathIntoView to substitute notional child with better language 2013-12-17 2014-06-20
24177 HTML WG HTML Can jaymunro RESO INVA Canvas Pixel ArrayBuffer should return RGBA for big-endian and ABGR for little-endian machines 2013-12-29 2013-12-31
25960 HTML WG HTML Can cabanier RESO FIXE IDL vs. prose mismatch for removeHitRegion() method. 2014-06-03 2014-06-03
26657 HTML WG HTML Can jaymunro NEW --- matrix in Path2D's addPath method should be marked as optional 2014-08-25 2015-07-10
27638 HTML WG HTML Can jaymunro NEW --- FEATURE REQUEST: Selectively enable metrics in measureText using optional second argument 2014-12-17 2014-12-17
27690 HTML WG HTML Can jaymunro NEW --- Problematic definition of TextMetrics.emHeightDescent 2014-12-24 2014-12-24
78 bugs found.