ACTION-148: Clarify cell units as Sean specified in TTWG Meeting Feb 21.

Clarify cell units as Sean specified in TTWG Meeting Feb 21.

Glenn Adams
Due on:
February 28, 2013
Created on:
February 21, 2013
Associated Product:
TTML 1.0
Related emails:
  1. Minutes - 2013-07-18 (from on 2013-07-18)
  2. RE: TTWG Meeting Minutes March 7, 2013 (from on 2013-03-07)
  3. TTWG Meeting Minutes March 7, 2013 (from on 2013-03-07)
  4. TTWG Agenda March 7, 2013 (from on 2013-03-07)
  5. Re: TTML Agenda for 28/2/13 (from on 2013-02-28)
  6. RE: TTML Agenda for 28/2/13 (from on 2013-02-28)
  7. TTML Agenda for 28/2/13 (from on 2013-02-28)
  8. TTWG Meeting Minutes Feb 28 (from on 2013-02-28)

Related notes:

as follows: Style properties that operate in both the horizontal and vertical direction, such as border, outline thickness etc. may be specified using a single value which is based on the cell unit. When the cell is non-square, the computed value is calculated based on the height of the cell. For example: Given a root extent of 852px 480px and a ttp:cellResolution="30 20"; then in pixels the horizontal cell size is : 852/30 = 28.4 pixels, in the vertical 480/20 = 2. The relative unit to be used is 28.4px.

Monica Martin, 21 Feb 2013, 16:47:23

add clarifying note at end of 6.2.1 ttp:cellResolution

Glenn Adams, 2 May 2013, 04:31:09

Display change log.

David Singer <>, Nigel Megitt <>, Chairs, Thierry Michel <>, Philippe Le Hégaret <>, Atsushi Shimono <>, Staff Contacts
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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