
Changing keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are useful to invoke menu commands directly from the keyboard. You can accomplish this using keyboard shortcuts files (one per paltform). These files define associations between an invoked command and a keyboard sequence. They are located in the Amaya/config directory: amaya.keyboard (Linux), amaya.kb (Windows) and amaya.kb-mac (Mac OS X).

You can modify these files to define your own shortcuts. The syntax to define an association is:

Directive = KeySeq ':' IdentCommand ;
 KeysSeq = KeySet [ ',' KeySet ] ;
 KeySet = [ Modifier ] [ 'Shift' ] Key ;
 Key = '<Key>' KeyValue / '<Key>' SpecialKey ;
 Modifier = 'Ctrl' / 'Alt' / 'Meta' ;
 KeyValue = 'a' / 'b' / ... ;
 SpecialKey = 'Escape' / 'Delete' / 'Space' / 'BackSpace' /
              'Enter' / 'Up' / 'Down' / 'Left' / 'Right' /
              'Home' / 'End' / 'F1' / ... / 'L1' / ... / 'R1' / ... ;
 IdentCommand = 'TtcInsertChar(' Char ')' / NAME '()' ;
 Char = KeyValue / OctalValue / Entity ;

OctalValue = '\' NUMBER ;
Entity = DecEntity / HexaEntity ;
DecEntity = '&' '#' NUMBER ';' ;
HexaEntity = '&' '#' 'x' HEXADECIMAL ';' ;

The list of available commands is (an up to date list can be found in Amaya's sources : Amaya/amaya/EDITOR.A) :