MATF 11 September, 2024

11 September 2024


!, Aash, AlainVagner, Detlev, Illai, Jamie, Joe_Humbert, julianmka, Karla
Devanshu Chandra, Gleidson Ramos

Meeting minutes

2.5.1 Pointer Gestures (Continued conversation)

<Joe_Humbert> w3c/matf#37

Joe added the discussion from the last meeting to https://github.com/w3c/matf/issues/37, SC 2.5.1

Julian to send out the updates the way JJ sent it on an email

ACTION: Julian send out SCs for voting

<Illai> +1

<Karla> +1

<Jamie> +1

<AlainVagner> +!

<AlainVagner> +1

<Jamie> except the WCAG2ICT notes (as discussed in the prior meeting)

julianmka: WCAG2ICT --> Question related to notes. Notes are specifically about non-web software. Wishes to discuss those notes

<AlainVagner> I would remove anything related to non-web documents

julianmka The additional notes that come with the SC in WCAG2ICT . Should we bring to these back to MATF draft? There are three notes added by the WCAG2ICT team

earlier comment was for 2.5.1

AlainVagner: we should remove everything not related to applications

Jamie suggest to add understanding document to this SC as a note

Jamie: expand more on "definitions" from the WCAG2ICT document.

Joe_Humbert Include a section if we are adding definitions, or re-defining something.

Joe_Humbert to add defintion for 'path based gestures' and 'swiping'

ACTION: Add future agenda item for defining path-based gestures and swipes

julianmka can rewrite the notes using preferred language

Joe_Humbert should we have APPLYING SC in our doc?

ACTION: Julian add proposed wording to 2.5.1

<Illai> 1+

<Jamie> +1

julianmka reasonable to have a heading 'applying SC' if there are deviations.

julianmka if there are no deviations, the doc may get bloated.

<Karla> +1 julianmka

ACTION: come up with a agreeable structure

@Illai It is worth having references, but not required for each SC.

Joe_Humbert instead of a separate section, if we can collapse it in a sentence if it is applicable as is.

<Jamie> +1

<Illai> +1

<julianmka> +1

<Karla> +1

<AlainVagner> +1

ACTION: Joe_Humbert to discuss with Jamie julianmka to come up with an agreeable structure

2.5.2 Pointer Cancellation

<Joe_Humbert> w3c/matf#38

ACTION: Propose language to keep first 2 notes and add others as needed julianmka

<julianmka> +1 Illai

Illai note#6 is a good note to have on 2.5.2.

<Jamie> +1

<julianmka> +1

<Karla> +1

<Aash> +1

<Jamie> -1

julianmka: we might want to keep note#5 on 2.5.2

<Jamie> we need to redefine user agent so note 5 would need to change

Joe_Humbert user agents mostly apply to web, but not on mobile

<Illai> +1 Jamie

Joe_Humbert need to recheck if the user agents has been defined in note#5 for 2.5.2

ACTION: Joe_Humbert to check with WCAG2ICT to see why they added note#5 on 2.5.2

2.5.3 Label in Name

<Joe_Humbert> w3c/matf#39

Joe_Humbert the notes on closed functionality to be ignored for first draft

Detlev would you consider the phrase-line is not included in the text for logos?

julianmka iOS allows to apply alternate labels. You could set the accessible name with this method.

julianmka Android does not have this capability

<Jamie> leave as written in WCAG2ICT

<Karla> +1

<julianmka> +1

<Illai> +1+1

<Detlev> +1

<AlainVagner> +1

<Aash> +1

<Detlev> differences seem very minor, if any

<Jamie> next one!

next meeting we will vote on the SC that we think as a group can go into the draft as is

Joe_Humbert to create separate section about user settings

<julianmka> Spoiler alert! Settings as sufficient techniques has a Github issue we can start using: w3c/matf#67

<AlainVagner> thanks julianmka

Summary of action items

  1. Julian send out SCs for voting
  2. Add future agenda item for defining path-based gestures and swipes
  3. Julian add proposed wording to 2.5.1
  4. come up with a agreeable structure
  5. Joe_Humbert to discuss with Jamie julianmka to come up with an agreeable structure
  6. Propose language to keep first 2 notes and add others as needed julianmka
  7. Joe_Humbert to check with WCAG2ICT to see why they added note#5 on 2.5.2
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 229 (Thu Jul 25 08:38:54 2024 UTC).


All speakers: AlainVagner, Jamie, julianmka

Active on IRC: Aash, AlainVagner, Detlev, Illai, Jamie, Joe_Humbert, julianmka, Karla