MATF July 3, 2024

03 July 2024


AlainVagner, Detlev, Jamie, JJ, Joe_Humbert, quintinb
Audrey, Julian

Meeting minutes


<JJ> Github issues overview: https://github.com/w3c/matf/issues

<Jamie> +1 to Quinton's suggestion

ACTION: Create issues for the Success Criteria before the meeting for them starts


Detlev: there is an ongoing discussion about keyboard accessibility, should be discuss it in the frame of this call?

Detlev: would be interesting to build consensus around those practices

jj: can be discussed in the frame of the "guidance setup" agendum

jj: for now go through all the SC, and then see where discussion is happening

jj: will take a couple of months to go through all the SC

jj: special points can be brought to the agenda to be discussed

jj: discussions to improve the process and to make it quicker

jj: 10 weeks to go though all SC

<Jamie> 10 weeks just for AA

<Jamie> I mean A

jj: meeting minutes for all the previous meetings are available in the calendar

<JJ> Past MATF meetings with minutes: https://www.w3.org/groups/tf/mobile-a11y-tf/calendar/?past=1&tf=0

<JJ> Be right back...

<JJ> Back (laptop lost power)

jamie: use the call to talk about discussions that happened in smaller settings

jamie: focus more on update from smaller groups

jamie: split the tasks among sub-groups

<Detlev> +1 to Jamie

jamie: possibility to split by principles

<Joe_Humbert> original work statement: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q5ggj1BedAKlxugFn9xxahKbKgZeeZsxytdw-o1HQsE/edit#heading=h.su244eodr52k

jj: groups could be done based on interests

jamie: draft from 2018 still refers to 2.0, could be updated to 2.1 and 2.2

jamie: goal could be to have a draft for the end of the year

jj: finish A an AA by september

<Jamie> ^ that last one was a question, what was the goal?

jj: agree, we should work on a draft

jj: SC from 2.1 and 2.2 have not yet been discussed

jj: we should restructure the way of working a little bit

quintinb: github issue for all the tickets, have a checklist for each SC to know if they have reached a critical mass

<Detlev> +1 to quintinb

quintinb: might take a bit of time to facilitate

<Jamie> +1 to Quinton

<Jamie> *Quintin

detlev: same as quintinb

Joe_Humbert: check doc from 2018, tickets to know what do we wanna keep

<JJ> https://w3c.github.io/Mobile-A11y-TF-Note/

Joe_Humbert: what would be the new structure, like the previous? like WCAG2ICT? sth else? we cannot start without structure

Joe_Humbert: we need to speed things up

jj: use the W3C tool for official doc, take a look how to use the tool

jj: 2.1.1 will be for the next meeting


1.3.3 Sensory Characteristics - Level A

<quintinb> Do we have any bad examples of failures of 1.3.3 failures?

<quintinb> Sorry examples of failures

<quintinb> They don't have to be bad

<quintinb> I suppose line charts are good examples here

jj: don't see this happening too often. Tabbar without text, where the selected tab has another color.

<quintinb> I like the Tab Bar example

<quintinb> Android charts are a nightmare

jj: not so many charts, Android charts are difficult to make accessible

<quintinb> SongBirdCharts is a good resource if folks are interested, but it's old

GleidsonRamos: link with iOT, control the lights of the house. Use sensory characterictits to show if sth is on or off

jj: if you are blind, could be difficult to know if the lights are on or off

<quintinb> I love https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/Understanding/sensory-characteristics.html - great discussion around it

<quintinb> agree to adding haptics

<quintinb> to the list

Joe_Humbert: what we could add to this def is haptic feedback, it is a sensory characteristic.

Joe_Humbert: more used on mobile devices as on desktop

jj: open list, haptics could be on this list

jj: cannot think of any example where there is only haptics

jj: maybe there are some examples there

<quintinb> I think it's still good to add because devs may not realise that not all devices have haptics

<quintinb> or even haptics enabled

Where ICT is non-web software that provides a user interface, it shall satisfy the WCAG 2.1 Success Criterion 1.3.3

Sensory Characteristics

AlainVagner: in EN 301 549 they haven't added anything to this criterion

<Joe_Humbert> it could be as simple as just an matf note to 1.3.3 to specifically mention haptics?

Detlev: in the european Norm there are some SC in section 5 about physical characteristics


Detlev: we could check those things, in table A.2 for mobile apps

<Jamie> +1 to Joe

jj: could be a note

jamie: should be thinking about adding techniques? they are not available in the WCAG understanding document

jj: techniques are meant for the web.

jamie: could we push to have more inclusive techniques

jamie: our document could include techniques, at least discuss how haptics could be used in an accessible way

jamie: in a non prescriptive way but as a guidance

jj: could be difficult on the same document, but could be done

Joe_Humbert: reach out to WCAG3 group, working on this kind of stuff, we could reuse the existing work

Joe_Humbert: things that we could review and fill the gaps

jj: WCAG 3 transforming to be more platform agnostic

jj: outcomes more platform agnostic

<Jamie> https://www.w3.org/TR/wcag-3.0/#haptic-stimulation

jj: agree would be great to learn if they are really considering native mobile

jj: setup a meeting with WCAG2ICT, to discuss issues raised in our group, like set of software

<Jamie> WCAG 3.0 does include haptics

jj: see how we could backport some of our guidance to WCAG2ICT

<Jamie> WCAG2ICT should realistically have haptics as well

jj: more collaboration is needed here with the other groups, as mentioned in our work statement

detlev: active in WCAG3. just good to know that it will take some time. Not yet at the stage where they are writing techniques. the active group is quite small

Detlev: good to do sth on techniques, if there is a clear way to test on mobile

<Jamie> sth?


(sorry globish abbreviation)

jj: agrees

Detlev: other groups want to avoid scope creep

jj: would be nice to reach consensus on some SC

<Jamie> can we move to the next agenda item?

jj: mentions appt.org and ?? other resources



jj: the examples of "essential" are outdated

<Jamie> +1 to JJ that the examples in WCAG are not essential

<quintinb> Should this be AA? I would argue A

jj: what would be the situations where an orientation is essential?

<Joe_Humbert> https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG22/#orientation is Level AA

<Jamie> I was wrong, this is AA; @JJ shold we discuss later

quintinb: how it was defined for web? why like this?

quintinb: this should be an A for mobile

<Joe_Humbert> it was added in 2.1

<Detlev> I think the main ides was to support web on mobile devices better

AlainVagner: very common issue, could have some techniques to help developers

<Joe_Humbert> I have to drop I'll bring it up next timne

jj: issues will be created upfront

jj: will think about a new organisation

Summary of action items

  1. Create issues for the Success Criteria before the meeting for them starts
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Maybe present: GleidsonRamos

All speakers: AlainVagner, Detlev, GleidsonRamos, jamie, jj, Joe_Humbert, quintinb

Active on IRC: AlainVagner, Detlev, GleidsonRamos, Jamie, JJ, Joe_Humbert, quintinb